Honeymoon Cut Short

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(Val's POV)

About a week into the honeymoon, Jenna began to get sick. She was constantly throwing up and she had a slight fever. Plus Brittany called a few times because Sophia began refusing to sleep and eat. So we decided to cut the honeymoon short and we're heading home today. The morning we're leaving, Jenna is throwing up again and I hold her back. "Hopefully it's a small bug." I say as Jenna flushes the toilet.

"Yea." Jenna replies. Soon we have have all of our stuff together and we're heading to the airport. "I can't wait to see Sophia, I missed my baby girl." Jenna says as we enter the airport.

"Yeah me too, it'll be nice to be with my princess again." I say and we go through security. About ten minutes later, we board the plane and Jenna falls asleep on my shoulder. I spend the entire flight thinking of a special day for just me and Sophia, a little father-daughter time is something that we need. As the plane touches down, I wake up Jenna and she asks, "Are we home yet?"

"Yep Jennybug we're home." I answer and we get our carry ons, then we exit the plane. Waiting in the airport with a sign that reads, 'Welcome home Mommy and Daddy!' is Sophia with Brittany and Paul standing behind her. "Sophie!" Jenna calls and rushes to our daughter with me following close behind.

"Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy!" Sophia screams running to us and Jenna goes to her knees as Sophia races into her arms. Jenna began to cry and so did Sophia so I wrap my girls in a hug, kissing both of their foreheads. "Daddy." Sophia whispers, reaching out for me to hold her.

"I'm here princess." I say taking her from Jenna and she instantly clings to my shirt, sobbing into my shoulder, looks like someone had a rough week. I pulled Jenna into a hug and then we walked over to Brittany and Paul. "Thanks for taking care of her." Jenna says hugging both of them.

"It was no problem at all, she just missed you guys." Brittany explains and we nod our heads as they walk with us to get our suitcases and they drive us home. On the way, Sophia fell asleep in my arms, all this stress finally wore her out. Once we arrive at our apartment, we thank Brittany and Paul again before they leave. "It's good to be home." Jenna states.

"Yea." I reply as we go inside, I set Sophia in her crib- knowing that she'll be asleep for a while. So Jenna and I just cuddle on the couch, relaxing as it's been a tiring morning. About half way through a show, Jenna jumps up and rushes to the bathroom again with me following behind her. She throws up again and I look at her once again, there was no way this was a bug, but I didn't want to say anything.

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