Chapter 7 - Make Or Break

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The sun begins to rise...

Ana's POV

Morrison was right, Amélie Lacroix and Gabriel are here. I don't know why they are here but it seems they are looking to mobilize an attack, I've got to let Brigitte and Morrison know.

Captain Amari: "Morrison, Brigitte? Are anything you available?"

Brigitte: "What's up Ana?"

Commander Morrison: "What's your status Ana?"

Captain Amari: "Good to see you're both awake, anyways, I can confirm both Reaper and Widowmaker are stationed here in Cairo."

Commander Morrison: "As expected, do you have a plan to intercept them?"

Captain Amari: "Not just yet, It seems they are mobilizing for an attack somewhere, as for you Brigitte, I want you to close all the blinds and line of sight into the apartment"

Brigitte: "Yes captain, also Lena arrived last night with more supplies for Y/N"

Captain Amari: "Cadet Oxton? That's a surprise, I assume you sent her ahead of the other agent Morrison"

Commander Morrison: "Yes, with Y/N's condition in an unpredictable state, I trust Tracer's guidance with Brigitte to prove useful, you should be ready to intercept them if they make a move"

Captain Amari: "In that case, Brigitte, close the blinds and anything that has a sliver of light coming through it and then meet me atop the buildings by the main pyramid, we prepare a counter attack to stop whatever they are planning, and bring Oxton with you"

Brigitte: "What about Y/N? Surely we cant leave him by himself in this state?"

Captain Amari: "Y/N will be fine if you do as I say, this is the only way to protect Y/N if they plan to do what I think they are doing. This may be the only way to ensure his safety."

Commander Morrison: "Ana. You mean to say?"

Captain Amari: "Yes, I think they've known where we have been hiding out ever since the crash, or at least the general area"

Commander Morrison: "I will send a broadcast out to nearby agents, If that is the case, Morrison over and out"

Captain Amari: "Alright Morrison, Brigitte, get yourself and Tracer ready for battle, say what you need to Y/N and meet me up here soon"

Brigitte: "Understood, I will be sure to let Lena know"

Captain Amari: "Amari signing off"

Brigitte's POV

So what Ana was saying is actually true? We may have to actually fight them? I get that Lena and Ana are trained combat specialists but even so, I cant shake the feeling that we will come up unprepared. I hope it doesn't come to having to fight them, no matter how bad they are, fighting them now would be pointless for us in the position Y/N is in right now.

Brigitte: "Lena, did you hear any of that?"

You call out but there's no answer, walking out to Y/N's room you find her passed out, legs kicked up on the stretcher, head tilted back and eyes fully closed. You give her a shake prompting her to wake up

Brigitte: "Earth to Lena, you all good?"

Tracer: "C'mon, just five more minutes" she says pawing at your face with her hands

Brigitte: "Nope, we've gotta move, Amari has given us orders to meet with her"

Tracer: "And here I am thinking I can get some shut eye at least til the afternoon"

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