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Rays of sunlight spill over the horizon, bathing the city in a soft, clean glow

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Rays of sunlight spill over the horizon, bathing the city in a soft, clean glow. The air is still fresh and crisp at this hour. Traffic has also started to pick up momentum, streams of vehicles inching through the main arteries like slow-moving rivers.

As the sun rises higher, bold strokes of yellow blend across the sky, signaling a new day of work and activity about to unfold below. Mumbai is awake and buzzing once more.

My reflection stares back from the glass-poised yet tense. Dark eyes, usually warm, were now narrowed in focus. Straight brown hair was tied neatly, not a strand out of place, just as I needed to appear for this.

Every inch the poised for a company heir.

Raising a hand, I smoothed an eyebrow and straighten my cobalt blue business suit.

On the outside I have composed a flawless veneer, just as I need from me to within. And it's time to prove myself as the future CEO.

I take a deep breath to calm the nerves, and tear my gaze away from the awakening city, walking towards the conference meeting. Where one of the most important deals of my life was waiting for me.

This is a golden opportunity for my family business. Ever since, Aryan has left... I have to prove myself as the future CEO of Arora Industries.

A sense of responsibility washes over me as his face floats in front of eyes. Warm eyes and a smile. As if he's just walking right beside me. What would he say right now?

Kick his ass?

Light chuckle escapes from my mouth as I imagine him saying this to me right now.

Most of all, I remembered Aryan's words-to follow my vision and let no one diminish my capabilities due to my gender. I wonder if I'll be able to make him proud today.

My heart suddenly feels heavy. A mix of sadness and anxiety washes over me.

It's daunting to have the future of the entire company depend on my success. One mistake could jeopardize everything Baba have worked for. I know that I have to face the competitor of Rathore Technologies, that arrogant ass, who had been making my life difficult for months.

I walk towards the door. I have done enough research, planning, and negotiation to secure this deal. And today I'm not going to let that so called 'to-be-CEO' of Rathore Technologies ruin everything. I'm not going to back down.

I square my shoulders back, a picture of poise and power. It's showtime-and I'm not going to let anything stand between me and achieving my late brother's wish.

I step inside the meeting room. A voice echoes, "Oh look, she's here." and I was immediately approached by the CEO of Innovatech, Mr. Sharma, extending his hand.

A sense of pride and determination fills inside my chest as I take his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Sharma. It's a honor to be here. Thank you for the invitation."

𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲Where stories live. Discover now