• 𝐭 𝐡 𝐢 𝐫 𝐭 𝐞 𝐞 𝐧 •

48 6 3

A/N: Listen to this track while reading for that extra punch in the gut :')
🎧 recommended.

[TW: Accidental Death/Trauma]

𝐌 𝐞 𝐡 𝐞 𝐫

I gazed out the window as the city lights flashed by in a blur, the cool midnight air blowing pleasantly across my face. I twirled a strand of my long hair around my finger absentmindedly as thoughts drifted through my mind.

When a familiar voice cut through the empty haze. "What are you thinking?" Aryan asked without taking his eyes off the road. He knew me too well.

I turned to look at my brother, the street lamps casting shadows across his profile. A small smile played at my lips. "I know that look. What're you cooking up this time?" he said, throwing me a sideways smirk.

I sighed, stretching my legs out in front of me. "Just thinking about the startup... there's still so much to do before launch. Revenue streams, partnerships, production goals and... you know... worried about Maa."

My mind whirled with to-do lists, problem solving, Maa's medications and doctor appointments, even in these quiet hours. Aryan listened patiently as I talked through logistics and ideas. Like always, his steady reassurance helped calm my restless thoughts.

"Arey... You'll get it sorted, you always do. But for now," he said, reaching over to give my knee a brief squeeze, "try calming that overactive brain of yours." He chuckled under his breath. "The city will still be here in the morning for you to conquer."

I nodded tiredly and shot Aryan a weak smile, hugging my arms around myself as I leaned my head against the cool window frame. My eyes drifted half-closed as the city lights blurred into colorful streaks.

His smile was warmth itself, easing the weights from my shoulders. I leaned my head back, letting the rhythm of the road lull me and my brother's steady presence comfort me into a peaceful stillness.

Suddenly, blinding headlights emerged from the darkness ahead and my senses snapped alert. Tires screeched loudly, too close. Aryan swore under his breath as he wrestled with the steering wheel, trying to swerve out of the way of the massive ten wheeler truck barreling into our lane.

But it was too late.

"Shit!" he yelled, glimpsing the massive truck barreling into our lane.

There was a deafening crunch of twisting metal and shattering glass. The car spun out of control and my body flung violently against my seatbelt, knocking the air out of my lungs. I lurched towards the dashboard. Everything happened in a blur of dizzying motion and noise.

"Meher!" Aryan shouted.

In a split second, adrenaline took over and he lunged from his seat, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt. With incredible strength, he yanked me towards his broad chest just as my window exploded inward in a shower of broken shards.

I gasped in utter horror and squeezed my eyes shut, paralyzed with shock. His huge arm curled protectively around my head and neck as we tumbled end over end. His muscular frame shielding me from the rain of broken shards and flying debris. Aryan held me securely against his chest, his racing heart hammering under my cheek. I coughed, gripping his hand, my breath stolen by fear and shock.

Out of nowhere, I hear him grunt in pain as his arm around me loosens that caused me to flung out of his grip and slam my head on the door frame.

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