• 𝐭 𝐰 𝐞 𝐥 𝐯 𝐞 •

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I poured over schematics and blueprints, brainstorming tactics with Alex on their flight to Solaris headquarters. But his mind kept wandering back to creamy skin, dark eyebrows drawn together in thought, full lips parted as if to speak but saying nothing.

Head snapped back in place and I shift my gaze over the papers sprawled on the table. Building plans and security protocols for Solaris headquarters, strategizing my entrance with Alex on their private jet.

"If we schedule a site visit under the pretense of discussing partnerships, that should get us past the front desk," Alex mused.

"Hmm, yeah that could work."

Alex glanced up, eyebrow raised. "You seem distracted mate, your head seems to be somewhere up in the clouds today. Or should I say, thinking of someone..."

Alex nodded, then noticed my distracted look. "You still thinking about your new girlfriend?" he teased.

I blinked, pulling away from my thoughts. "What? No man, just zoning out." But my fucking ears reddened, giving me away.

He smirked. "I know that look. You were thinking about Meher."

Annoyance flared in my veins but I schooled my tone to cool indifference. "Don't be ridiculous. This is business." I said brusquely—gesturing at the paperwork, desperately trying to drown out images of her that creeps into my mind.

But Alex saw through me easily. "Come on, admit it—she's got you intrigued!"

I frowned, unwilling to confirm anything. Yet I couldn't deny the pull she exerted, that she subtly was pulling me off course. I changed the tone. "Intrigue or not, personal matters don't factor here." I sighed flipping through the papers.

Alex laughed. "Sure, whatever you say! But you couldn't do worse than the Arora's feisty daughter." He paused for a second and continued, "She might be useful..."

Immediately, I shot him a warning look. Using Meher was off limits, for reasons that I didn't fully understand myself. Yes, I am trying to gain more goodwill through Meher's startup but doesn't Meher's feeling are being included. If things do go south then, I'll just act nonchalant.


Alex raised his hands peaceably. "Alright, we'll table Meher discussions. But you know I'm right—she's gotten under your skin."

I sputtered but didn't deny it. His smirk grew bigger. "Can't say I blame you. She is quite beautiful," He leaned back casually, but there was an edge beneath his nonchalance. "Her eyes especially. They're like pools of warm chocolate."

I cleared my throat loudly as my eyebrows knitted together. "Oye, enough already. Focus—we've got work to plan."

Alex laughed easily but didn't contradict the hint.

Inside, there was a pang of recognition at how accurately my own description fit his feelings too.

I sighed heavily. As much as I want to refute it, Alex wasn't entirely wrong.

I was just settling back into reviewing plans when my phone lit up with a notification. Glancing at it curiously, I felt my pulse quicken seeing an unknown number on the screen. Opening the text with baited breath. 'Thanks for the flowers' it read, no punctuation or emoji to discern the sender's tone.

But I had a pretty good idea who it was from.

I opened the chats as my fingers hovered over the keyboard, contemplating a response. Should I play it casual? Flirty? Witty?

𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora