Chapter Nineteen: Yin Yang

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A/n: Thank you to everyone who's still reading my work!!! :)

A/n: Thank you to everyone who's still reading my work!!! :)

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Ryota still couldn't believe it that Hyun Woo would give him such a new home in the middle of Gangnam District

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Ryota still couldn't believe it that Hyun Woo would give him such a new home in the middle of Gangnam District. All he could definitely do that time was to accept it. It still did hurt him though to see that the friend he knew had worn a mask. It could also be that at that time, his old friend was just in pain after the death of his adopted mother. Gi Hoon passed him the passcode of his new room and smiled at him. "Seriously! What does Hyun Woo want with me? Why is he holding on to me?"

"Didn't you hear what he said?" Gi Hoon replied to him. "Give the files that you uncovered to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office and not at JIA or JSA or even CIRO! He doesn't want an intelligence agency to get involved with his war against Takahiko."

"Can prosecutors even do it right?" wondered Ryota. "What if they get in danger for investigating Arima Entertainment and also, Arima Pharmaceuticals?"

"You found something in those two businesses of the Arimas, am I right?"

Ryota swallowed. "Yes but— How will their weaknesses affect my investigation why Lee Kyung Ho was killed?"

"You can talk to Chairman Arima and CEO Lee Tae Jun about that," Gi Hoon replied to him. "Also, don't belittle the prosecutors of South Korea just because Japan says they have a high conviction rate. I always wondered about that if prosecutors in your area really do investigate."

"Japan and South Korea had always been close," mocked Ryota. "Hyun Woo's trying to step on me when my superiors could destroy him. Takahiko may also reveal many of his dirt if he takes the battlefield here on his home soil."

Gi Hoon glared at him. "It had been a long time that our country was liberated and we have taken hold of our country again. Don't think too highly about yourself just because you're Japanese. Your superiors gladly pushed you out when you didn't care about your identity and why you really are in our country."

"He's already the Chairman of LH Group!" screamed Ryota. "Why does he need to date the president's daughter?"

"Don't fight conglomerates, Ryota," Gi Hoon warned him. "Only a lawyer, prosecutor, politician and fellow conglomerates could fight fairly against a conglomerate. You are merely a knight Hyun Woo needs. Stay as a knight until you're done with your job."

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