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"What was he like? Come on, describe to me your freaking ex, all you tell me is 'I don't want to talk about him', come on, it makes me so damn suspicious that you haven't moved on from him because of your skeptical answer" Yasmin said.

Here she is again, wanting to know about that guy.

"He's not worthy of speaking about"

"Come on, please, give this to me as a... wedding gift!"

"I have a better wedding gift to you other than that"

In the next few days is her wedding, we're currently in the laboratory, and I'm trying to mix pigments for our new make up collection.

"Come on, please"

I sighed, I don't remember how many times she asked me about this and all I do is the same, not talk about it.

I removed my mask and head out of the lab after giving orders, I went to my office and she follows still bickering about it.

I removed my coat and sat on swivel chair and turned my laptop on, she rested both of our hands in front of my desk in an intimidating way, I eyed her to stop it.

"Come on, please"

I sighed and closed my laptop.

"Why do you want to know?"

"So I could know your type!"

"Oh please, if you're going to set me up on another blind date, no, thank you"

"No, no, I just want to know how he attracted you"

I licked my lower lip.


She jumped happily and sat on the swivel chair in front of my desk.

I shook my head, I'm gonna regret this later.

"He was a volleyball player in our university then, and I was the school nerd, you know, with the glasses and all"

"Yes, yes" anticipating it.

"I've already told you how he played with me and more so, and how he left me with my sister just like that"

"Uh-huh, he's an asshole, so what else? His physical" she urged.

"He's tall, lean but muscular, sporty type of guy, he's also smart, he balances sports and studies very well"

"Studious, that's why you fell for him"

"Yeah, other than that, he has ways with his words, and when he wants you, he will get you one way or another"

"Okay, what else?"

I sighed.

"I fell for him because I thought he was genuine with me, I though he had genuine feelings, I never knew he can fake all of that"

"With your intelligence, he still managed to fool you?"

I nodded.

"The saying was true after all" she said.

"What saying?"

"Once smart with academics, becomes idiot and stupid with love"

That hurt me. Straight shot.

"Yeah, my stupidity brought me there"

"You never disclose his name, too"

"You won't believe me if I tell you, you'll think I dreamt of it only, or its all in my head, or I'm very delusional"

"Come on, he can't be that popular"

I looked at her meaningfully.

"Wait. He really is?"

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