Chapter Nine

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It was silent for a while, I didn't spoke and neither did he, I think he's letting me process what he just said.

"Its really late, uh, let's head to sleep now" I said, feeling a bit queasy.

"Alright, good night"

"Good night, Josh"

I hang up first and thought about what just happened, what the hell was that?!

He's probably joking and damn it, with all the people he could play with, he chose me!

I fell asleep thinking about it, I was sill able to wake up early, I jogged outside for a while and head back to the house around 7 am, mom was drinking her tea then, I kissed her cheek and head inside to take a shower.

Laundry is what I'm going to do for today.

"Darling, your, uhm, friend is here"


My eyes widened and almost ran downstairs, Josh in his fresh white shirt, jeans and sneakers was with my mom, early in the morning and he's here already?!

"J-Josh, what are you doing here?"

"Good morning to you, too, I told you I'd visit"

I blinked a few times, damn it.

"Have you had breakfast, Josh?" mom asked.

"Yes Ma'am, before I went here I already ate breakfast"

"Please, call me Aunt or Auntie, Ma'am is too formal, and besides you're a friend of my daughter"

"Yes Aunt" he politely said.

"I'll leave you two now, I have laundry to attend to" mom said.

"But, I thought I was going to do the--"

"Just accompany your friend, darling" mom said.

"Let's eat first, mom"

"I had my breakfast, darling, when you were in the shower" mom said and left me and Josh.

Josh and I exchanged glances, he was all smiles.

"You really eaten breakfast?"

"Yes, I also cooked your pasta"

I nodded slowly and gestured him to follow me in the kitchen, he put a paperbag in front of the table, mom cooked hotdog and eggs.

"I thought you were kidding"

"Nope, here, try it"

He put out the container with the pasta on it, after he opened it the smell filled my nose, I got hungry quickly, he saw my reaction and he probably like it, he transfer to the plate I gave him.

"Here, try it"

I bit my lower lip and tried it, it was good.

"Now, which ones better?"

"You want me to choose if mom's cooking or yours is better?"

He pursed his lips.

"Which ones tastier, then?"

"That's still the same, but neither way, its not bad, its pomodoro so its good to me"

I ate that as my breakfast and a few hotdogs, too.

I washed the dishes.

"What are you going to do here, by the way?"

"I was wondering if you could go out"

"I'll be helping my mom with the laundry today, and I have work for later"

He nodded a bit.

"Maybe I can help, too?" he asked.

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