Chapter Eleven

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It was the happiest day of my life.

And I think, for Josh, too.

"I'll pick you up after your shift, hmm?"

"Ralph messaged you, right? He's asking for a night out"

"I'll pass"

"You can go, Josh, and besides I can walk to go home"

He shook his head.

"I will be your personal driver, come to think of it, I can be your chaperone, too, I'll be outside the convenient--" I cut him off.

"Josh! No!"

He chuckled and cupped my cheeks.

"Okay, what do you want me to do, then?"

"You should go with your friends"

"And message me when your shift is done?"

"Okay, fine, I'll message you"


I shook my head and we went to the arcade to play some games, we went to a bookstore when he noticed me looking at it, I just stroll around the shelves.

After that we head out and he drove me to the convenient store.

"Don't forget to message me" he reminded.

"Yes, I will message you"

He smiled widely, I bid my goodbye and went down his pick up, I waved goodbye at him and went inside the convenient store, Gab greeted me.

"That's your boyfriend?" Gab asked.


He pouted, not believing me and then shook his head, I just smiled and get ready for my shift.

I was all smiles in the convenient store during my shift, the customers became jolly because of my mood.

The hour passed by quickly, I cleaned here and there, restock the drinks, food and shelves, I write the formula or procedure of the tints when I have free time and study, too.



It was the volleyball team, I smiled at them.

"So, how was the date?" Dan asked.

They all teased, I shrugged.

"Leave her alone" Josh said.

"Ohhhh" the volleyball team said, and laughed it off.

I welcomed them in the store and let them pick put what they need, Josh stayed on the counter.

"Aren't you going to choose what you need?"

"What I need..." he paused and looked at me, "... is here in the counter"

"Corny, stop it"

He laughed and gestured he'll go to the fridge, I nodded and waited for them to finish what they're buying, more customers went in.

Josh paid for what the volleyball team bought.

"Message me" he reminded again.

"I will" I assured him.

He nodded strictly and pushed Ralph who is going to tease him to go now.

They were even fighting and teasing when they were on their way to wherever they are going, I continued my work.

Carl came in, all smiles.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"Its fine, yours?"

Mistaken for LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ