Chapter Twenty Three

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I didn't want to burden or worry my mom, I lied to her about Josh's sudden disappearance from my life.

I told her he was very busy and we don't talk much lately because of his academics, mom understood it because he is graduating and mom knows how it is.

There wasn't a night that I wouldn't cry over what happened, it hurted me so much.

I should have foreseen this, I could've prepared myself but I was too trusting, I trusted Josh too much, I was comfortable to the point it made me blind of the consequences, of the possibilities why he was suddenly into me.

I focused on myself and my studies, I would ace and excel in my every subject, Josh and I would still cross path but I choose not to go further, I wpuld turn back, he does the same, and Crystal is always around him now.

I didn't leave the number one spot on the Dean's list, I had it locked under my name.

I focused on Tanja, too.

I started that small business with Yasmin's help, her marketting and modelling skills help a lot, plus her connections and popularity.

Her dad mentored me so I could go further into learning my choice of career.

"Darling, isn't today Josh's graduation?"

I glanced at my mom, and slowly nodded.

"I know you've had a fight, but darling, I bought him a present for his graduation"

"I'll give it to him, mom, I am going to school for important things, too"

My mom smiled, up until now I couldn't tell her about what happened, I don't want her to loathe him or be mad at him.

I wore a simple white short sleeved dress, I bought a bouquet for him and brought along mom's present.

I quietly went to the venue, I spotted Ralph and he spotted me, too, he withdrew with guilt and smacked Josh's arm beside him.

He looked like he was spacing out, he glance at Ralph, and at my direction when Ralph pointed at me.

His eyes widened upon seeing me, I withdrew my gaze.

"Heinrich, Joshua Zendrick D., Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Entrepreneurship, Magna Cum Laude"

Ralph even had to push him up to walk when he was called, his mom was looking at me now, too, I tried to look away politely as possible.

Josh found me through the crowd of graduated students, the look in his eyes made me look away, there was guilt, pain, longingness and other emotions.

"Congratulations, I just had to, I haven't told mom, she wanted to give you this as a gift"

I held out the paperbag and bouquet to him, he took them in a slow manner, as if intaking all of what I said.

"I need to go now, congratulations, goodbye, Josh"

Before I could even hear a single word from him, I turned back and walked away fast.

I heard he was going to another country for his MBA, I guess his guilt couldn't take it.

I stared outside the building.

"Hey, is this spacious enough for the lab?" Yasmin asked.

"Huh? Ah, yes, its spacious enough, actually I could fit a lot in here, this is too much"

"Oh no, daddy even wanted a bigger space for the machineries that he'll put investment at"

"Yasmin, this is all too much"

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