Chapter Twenty One

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Our second semester started, Josh was extra busy and so was I.

We see each other less often and I understand that because he is graduating and running for honors.

Addition to it was his sport.

I continued with my course and try out that business.

"Hi! Thank you for the tints! I love them so much!" Yasmin said.

I smiled at her.

"I'll introduce you to my father, maybe you can learn from him, he's a chemist, too!"

"Oh, thank you"

She smiled happily and held my hand.

We went to their house.


"Yasmin, we're here" I heard a woman's voice.

We went to their garden, I saw a couple there having snacks.

"Darling..." the woman greeted.

She kissed her mom's cheek and her dad's, her parents both glanced at me.

"This is Sapphire, she's the one I have been telling you about, dad, the chem student at Heinrich Academy"

"Good noon, Sir, Madame"

"Good noon to you, too, Sapphire. We've heard so much about you from Yasmin" her dad said.

Her dad was, I think, in his late forties and so is her mom, I smiled at both of them.

Mr. Phillips and I had a talk about the being a chemist, he enlightened me with a lot of things and other stuffs.

I had a long time with them, before I went off, I went to the convenience store for my work, it was all usual.

Josh smiled at me when he saw me going out the convenience store.

I hugged him.

"You seem tired"

"Just practice"

I slowly nodded, I was worried about him, he over practice himself, he's very studious and it was all for valid reasons but I wish he could tone down a bit because he can ace his studies even if he doesn't study too hard, and he's already great at his sport.

We had less time for each other, but it was okay for me, I understood everything.

We had an hour of break, I decided to buy coffee for myself.

To my surprise, Josh was there with the volleyball team and Crystal and her friends, Josh looked busy beside Crystal, tgey were both reading their book and their laptops were open, I guess it was their research.

"Your house later, Josh?" I heard Crystal.

"I'm not entirely sure about that"

"Hmm? Your condo?"


"This is for the research, Ralph, not about anything else"

I went out of the cafeteria and didn't bother greeting them, I don't think I should go near them, and besides, I trust Josh.


I'm sorry, I can't pick you up right now, coach is pretty uptight right now, I'm sorry.

I replied that it was okay, I can manage.

I went home, mom smiled at me.

"No Josh service today?"


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