Chapter Twenty Four

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"Arsdale, Sapphire Tanja, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Summa Cum Laude"

I graduated with the highest honor, all of the important people in my life was present there, I couldn't be more happier and as the highest honor, I was tasked to give out a speech.

"Good evening everyone, as you've known, after tonight we'll be facing the world. Battling in it for us to survive. But as we thrive, please, remember to always look back to where you came from and humble yourself with your achievements in life. Graduating college is not an ending, but another start of new challenges. Things won't come at our bidding unless we work hard for it. We won't be here tonight if we didn't work hard and study hard for this. My fellow graduates, tonight we celebrate for finishing our course, and for tomorrow, we head on with life. To everyone who guided us to succeed in our course, we are all grateful for you and thank you for rooting for us each and every step of the way. And of course, to thank Him, for giving us this life and thought of us worthy to be here today. Everyone, thank you and congratulations, may you all have a great life ahead of you, that's all"

I didn't make it longer, I just wanted to say what I really meant.

It was all getting better, I guess.

After graduation, I focused on Tanja and made sure I had time for mom, I made acquiantances for Tanja, but Yasmin has became my one and only friend, I couldn't trust anyone again.

And for some reason, Mr. Velasquez would try to get to know me, I just didn't have the time to give to him.

I reviewed for my board exam and licensure, while also managing Tanja, Yasmin was a big help, modelling and marketting strategies.

"Vogue wants to feature Tanja this month!" She squealed.

I smiled at her.

That's what really happened, I was interviewed for it in my office.

"So what was the story behind Tanja?"

"Well, Tanja was just supposed to be a project presentation when I was in college, and then, Yasmin, found me in a convenience store, she noticed my tints and asked what brand I was using. We started to see each other more often because of that, and so it all started with Yasmin"

"You've said, Miss Yasmin has seen you in a convenience store, how about that story?"

"I worked part time when I was in college, as you've known and as a common knowledge about me, I went to a prestigious school even if I am from middle class and I only had a mom who works hard for us"

"Very diligent, Miss Arsdale, and humble"

"Thank you for your kind words"

"But, if I may ask, as we've heard many bachelors have been checking you out, trying to get your attention, are you currently with someone?"

I smiled at her.

"For now, I am focus on my upcoming exam and licensure, so I have no time for that aspect in my life, so I can say that I am not with someone right now"

"Are you looking for one?"

"No, as I've mentioned I am focus on my career right now"

"For the bachelors wondering, what is your ideal man?"

"I don't have a specific type, I'm good as long as I can vibe with the person and I can trust him"

"As we go back to Tanja, what more do you want for it?"

"Just for Tanja to thrive in the world, be known and always to keep her qualities to ensure the trust of everyone using it"

"Thank you so much for your time, Miss Arsdale, we appreciate it"

"The pleasure is mine, Ma'am"

The magazine was release at the end of that month, Yasmin was very happy with it.

I reviewed and worked, that was how my life goes now.

For exam week, I let Yasmin be in charge of Tanja along with her father, so I could focus.

The three day exam plus licensure had me exhausted, all of my braincells were used in that exam.

I rested for a week, and then went to work again.

Tanja had photoshoots, I had interviews for Tanja and so on.


I raised my head, it was Ralph, I still am acquianted with them, I smiled at him.

"Sorry to bother you, I just had to greet"

"No, its okay, I'm not busy"

I was only reading files for the company, I closed the folders.

"Do you mind?"

"No, have a seat"

My coffee was served, I told the waitress to bring Ralph's coffee at our table, too.

"How have you been? I've heard about you a lot, you're latest topic in the industry" he started.

"Everyone is a topic"

I sipped my coffee.

"But, enough about me, you? I heard you're managing your family company now and keeping a girlfriend at least one at a time"

He chuckled.

"Well, I am busy so I lose time for my girlfriend, in the end, I'll lose a girlfriend, and you, I heard a lot of bachelors have been swooning around you"

I chuckled, too.

"Not my priority, I have my hands full of jobs"

"Speaking of that, I've heard you're going to try a pharmaceutical company?"

"Ah, that's still an idea, I haven't quite gotten the hand of making medicines yet, Mr. Phillips is still mentoring me about that"

"Phillips? Yeager Phillips?"

"Yes, he's my mentor"

"Wow, you've got yourself a great mentor"

I nodded in agreement.

Ralph had a lot of questions, I entertained them all and then we bid goodbye.

I went back to the office and continued my day.

The results of the exam were out, my mom, Aunt Annie and Yasmin were all nervous as the site load.


We read the names one by one in the row of As.

"Arsdale, Sapphire Tanja! Oh my God!" Yasmin shrieked.

"Darling you've passed! You've passed!" Mom said.

They hugged me tight, I was still shocked of it but I am happy.

I'm a licensed chemist! I can't believe it, I'm a licensed chemist now!

"Congratulations, Sapphire" Mr. Phillips said.

"Thank you, Sir"

Everything was going well.

I held out the necklace in front of me, I wasn't able to give this back to him.

"I did it, even if you weren't here, I've moved on now, I think"

I watched the knot necklace swing around my hand before I clasped it on my hand.

I never heard a news of him, or maybe I avoided hearing anything about him, its been three years, he's been long gone, I doubt he'll ever come back.

I sighed and store the necklace away.

I started to learn about the pharmaceutical company, Mr. Phillips guided me well, along with other pharmacist and chemist specialize in medicines.

I will thrive more, I need to reach more, I need to fill the void Josh left with other things so I'd feel complete again.


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