Chapter Three

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I only wanted a normal and peaceful college years but the only thing I think I can get is normal, bullying is normal, having persons who doesn't like you is normal, being treated like an outcast in the whole academy is normal to me, it wasn't new since it was like that from my elementary days.

The peaceful part, no avail.

Crystal treats me as competition, like it changed before, she never see me as a sister, well, I doubt she'll ever will, our father couldn't even see me as a daughter, so why should I hope she would?

I finished the first year topping the Dean's list, for both first and second semester.

I worked part time on vacation, processed my school papers and so on.

At least there were still normal parts of my college days.

"Darling, you didn't have to find a part time job, we can handle your expenses" mom said.

"Its fine, mommy, I can handle it, and besides, we have a lot of thing to pay for, bills, your maintenance, too, my college tuition is so expensive, I at least want to lessened it, I can provude my own money for my food in school and for projects"

Mom and I were having a talk about it when a car then stopped in fromt of our house.

My mom and I looked at each other when it was my father's car.

He went in our house, not minding if we want him in our house or not.

"What are you doing here?" Mom asked, definitely unhappy.

"Leave Heinrich, Sapphire"

"You have the guts, Arturo" mom said.

"I'm not talking to you"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Velasquez, but I would ask you to leave our home"

"I'm not asking you again--"

"I'm not leaving Heinrich, Mr. Velasquez"

I thought he'll do something about it because the Dean have summoned me in her office on the first day.


"Sapphire, have a seat"

I did take a seat and poised myself, this is nothing bad, please.

"Mr. Velasquez have talked to me about you"

Now, I'm losing hope.

"He talked about how I should remove your scholarship"

"Dean, I did not do anything against the rules of the school, I have been abiding by the guidelines of keeping my scholarship, I study well"

I can hear desperation and despair on own tone.

"You have nothing to worry about, Sapphire, I am not removing your scholarship, I've talked to him and explained to him that you will not be removed from the school as well as your scholarship, I don't mean to be nosy, but why does the Velasquez's have a bad blood on you?"

I sighed.

"I don't know if I'm allowed to tell anyone, Dean, but..." I looked away, "He is my father, but he doesn't want me associated with any of them, Crystal is my elder sister and as you know, I have topped the Dean's list which was her original post"

Dean didn't speak for a while, I bit my lower lip.

"Alright, now that I know that, you have nothing to worry about, I won't tell him that you told me about this, don't worry"

"Thank you, Dean"

"You're welcome, and you should go, your class for today starts early"

"Yes Dean, thank you again"

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