Chapter Twelve

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I woke up very early to get ready for school.

I cooked my breakfast and ate, I cooked for my mom, too and decided to take a shower.

As soon as I finish, I went out of my room and knocked on her door.

"Mom, I'll go now"

I went down our stairs and went out of the house, I stopped my tracks when I saw Josh outside our gate.

No way.

I quickly unlock the gate and went out, he smiled at me.

"Good morning" he said.

It was six thirty in the morning!

"I thought you were..." I couldn't continue talking.

"I'm here now, let's go, or we'll be late"

I nodded still processing it.

"Your mom?"

"She's still asleep"

He nodded and opened the door of the front seat, I didn't have any choice but to go in, he quickly closed it and went to the other side.

We went off, while he was driving, I caught him yawning a lot of times.

"What time did you sleep?"

"When your phone died"


I don't even what time that was! My phone was dead when I woke up, and I don't even know what time it died and also, was he able to watch me sleep?!

My eyes widened thinking of all the possibilities.

"What is it?"

My God, did I drool? Snore? Mouth open while sleeping? Sleep talk? Oh my God!

"What are you thinking?"

"Did you watch me sleep?"

His brows shot up and chuckled as he parked his pick up in the school premises.

"Kind of"

Oh my God! I wonder what he saw!

My face heated up imagining what I did when I was sleeping, my face! Not that I don't look embarassing now, but, damn it!

"Come on, its flag raising"

I nodded and we went out of his pick up, I saw other students turn heads, wide eyes, hand on mouth.

I saw the volleyball team, Ralph made a teasing face and pointed at us for the volleyball team to look in our direction, Crystal and her friends were with them so they glance, too. I saw how her smile fade, eyes widened and almost angry.

"I'll go on my own now"

"I'll walk you to your blockmates"

"No, no, its fine, they're just there, I'll be fine, thank you for the ride"

He pursed his lips but slowly nod.

"Let's exchange schedules, I only know your Saturday schedule so... please"

I bit my lower lip and took my schedule sheet, he took out his, too.

"Shall we just take a picture of each others' sched?"

"I memorized mine" I said.

"Okay, let's keep each other's schedules, then"

"Did you memorize yours?"


I slowly nod.

"I'll go now" I said.

He smiled at me and waved, I smiled at him, too, and went to my blockmates, they gave way to me to go up front where I am designated to be.

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