Chapter Seven

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He did messaged me when he got home.

The next day, I went to school and passed the school report about the foundation week events.

I went to the cafeteria to buy iced coffee.

"What happened to you, Josh?"

Crystal and her friends were there with the volleyball team, Crystal was asking about his bruise.

I pouted and looked away and continued with the vendo machine for my drink, I took it and ready to leave the cafeteria for my class.

"Sapphire!" Ralph shouted.

I glanced and smiled a bit and headed out.

I was almost running just so I wouldn't be late, good thing I wasn't.

I wore my lab gown and prepared for the experiments.

"For your performance, I would like you to pass a cosmetic that is effective for dry, chapped lips, skin, or the outer part of your body, but also fashionable and naturally made, reports have to be done about how it is made, its ingredients, you will be the one testing it and one person from other courses, you can use the lab in making your choice of cosmetic, and make sure that the feedback are true and not made up, it will be passed by the end of this first semester, understood?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Okay, class dismiss"

We fixed our things, I need to buy stuffs for our project, but what will I make?

I stopped my tracks when I saw Josh, with tye strap of his bag hanging on his left shoulder, he was looking at his watch when I went out, he glanced up and smiled at me.

"You're here" I said, like a whisper.

He nodded.

"You look good in your lab gown"

I forgot to removed it, I did and put it back on our rack, it has my name on it so its alright.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just going to ask if you're free, its end of classes for today, right?"

"I have work"

"Its still early, your shift starts at 3"

"I have to buy stuffs for our project"

"I'll come with you"

"Huh? But, don't you have other things to do? Like practice?"

"None, we haven't got any scheduled practice, and there's no tournament in the time being, so... yeah, I'm free"

"You know, its really fine, I can go on my own"

"I know, but I'm already here so you don't have to go on your own"

I didn't win our argument until we arrived at the parking lot of the school.

"Come on, please, and you didn't even reply to me last night"

"Well, what do you want me to say? You're already home"

"At least good night?" he pouted.

I looked away so I won't laugh or even smile.

"Oh, I am sulking here, hmp"

Damn this... giant baby.

"Alright, I'm sorry, I just don't text much, now, can we go? Or I'm going to walk to buy what need"

His eyes widened and pulled me to his pick up, I chuckled and climb the front seat, he quickly went to the driver's seat, I put on my seatbelt and my bag on my lap.

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