Chapter Five

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Foundation week came after the listing of the Dean's list, and yet again, I topped it.

"This is unbelievable!" Crystal said and walked away looking furious.

I side eyed her to check if she left already, my average was still flat one, hers was just a few points away from me.


Someone said from behind me.

Josh passed by after glancing at the posted Dean's list, his name is also here, rank 4, just a point down from the third ranker.

The plans for the foundation week were discussed and all the extra curriculars, Mr. and Miss Foundation had high points, nope, not for me, I did other things for the points, documentary and photography, the school provided the camera for it, I was good at words so I can do that for the extra curricular points.

Crystal swore to take back her place from me, I didn't say anything and just wished her well.

The sports were my scoops, all of it.

We were assigned on what to be with, and Dean personally assigned them, I was put on sports.

I memorized all the important detail from every sport to right down, after every end of the day I do the reports at night.

"Cap, focus! What the hell is your problem, man?" Jake said when they lost a point.

Despite Josh's bad performance on the court at times, he still managed to pull it off and lead the team to victory.

"Was it bad?"

I stopped when he sat beside me.

"No, I just think you weren't focused, but everything turned out well, so its all good"

He nodded and left me alone, I took more pictures, the sports were only for three days, the rest of the week were for booths and activities, I finalize the things in the library while the foundation day is on going.

"And done, I just need them to be read so I can revise them if needed"

I saved the file and rested my back on the back rest of the couch, I glance outside and watched the busy, crowded field.

"They look happy, good for them"

I took the camera and took a photo of it, it turned out great so I decided to make a short paragraph for it.

I fixed my things before ducking my head on the table.

The foundations days were okay to me, everyone was busy so no one will notice me, as if I was ever noticed, but nevertheless, for once it was peaceful.

"Sapphire Arsdale, you've seen her?"

I turned to check who was looking for me, I was eating my hotteok then, it was from a club, which I presume is not good.

I tried to leave quickly but other members of the club caught me.

"Got her, where to bring?" a girl radioed over.

"Closed gym"


"Wait, wait, I haven't done anything!"

They almost carried me because I was not going with them peacefully.

We arrived at the closed gym, it was a dating booth, oh hell no! No one would date me!

Well, the uniforms of the club says dating booth, but no set up was in the closed gym.

"Stay here, everything is fine" the gurl assured me.

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