Chapter Twenty Nine

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"You both were so tense! I can feel how heated it was, and you know what else I feel when you were talking?" Yasmin probed.

"What?" I boredly asked.

"Your sexual tension!"

I almost spit out my orange juice with what she said.

"The way you look at each other, it was so heated in a way that it was sexy, hot, lustful, longing and love!" She squealed.

"Enough fantasy, Yasmin, and me? I looked at him that way?"

"I saw how your facial expression was! You were definitely probing him about something!"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Was I? Did I do something unconciously?

Harold picked Yasmin up, and she enthusiastically said what happened today, even Harold was shock to hear that he's my ex.

"So that's why" he suddenly said.

"That's why what?"

"That's why he was asking if you were to attend the after party"

I stopped myself from dropping my jaw, why would he asked that?!

Yasmin smiled knowingly to me.

"Tell her what you told me when I asked about Heinrich when he left our table" Yasmin probed her husband.

"He is very single, and definitely not with Crystal"

I covered my ears so his words were muffled but I still heard it because Yasmin told Harold to say it repeatedly.

"Okay, enough! I don't want to hear it! I don't care if he's single or not!"

Yasmin smiled teasingly.

"I don't believe you" she teased, "I saw how you checked out Attorney Hausen earlier, you were checking if she's his probable girlfriend if ever it wasn't your bitch of a sister"

She knows me so well! Were my expression giving me away?!

The two smiled teasingly at me before leaving, I groaned and just worked my ass off.

I tied my hair in a high ponytail when I went out of the office, I removed my coat and left my silk, lace-strap shirt tucked into my pants, I strutted the hallways of the building.

I need to clear my head from Josh, I wished he didn't came back at all!

Every feeling came back all at once and I hated it, my hatred for him resurfaced, my longingness was more profound, the pain resurfaced.

I gripped on the steering wheel and drove off to my favorite restaurant.

I dined alone, I'll head to the club after dinner.

I didn't see any... unwanted people in my life there, which was a good thing for me.

I head out to a club, not Ralph's club, I might see people I don't wanna see there.

I ordered a cocktail for starter.

Some models greeted me, I smiled at them and greeted them politely.

I danced with a few of them, men and women.

The clouds in my head somehow vanished while I was dancing and having fun.

I changed through the years, Yasmin being my friend helped me lived my life and enjoy it.

I enjoyed my night, I couldn't get drunk though, the alcohol tolerance was just damn too high, even if my drinks were different from one another.

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