Chapter Twenty Six

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Yasmin smiled widely, she looks very happy getting married to Harold.


"Congratulations" I smiled at both of them.

I gave Yasmin an envelope.

"I'll answer all your Paris expenses"

She jumped in joy, and hugged me tight, their parents gifted them a trip to Paris for their honeymoon, so I gave her a card that I've been saving ever since she told me she was engaged.

"Thank you so much!"

"I'm happy for the both of you"

"Have you met the best man, by the way?" Yasmin probed.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, she laughed.

"Enough matchmaking, go greet your guests"

It was all the usual wedding ceremonies.

"Yasmin and Harold, congratulations to both of you, you are now officially tied to each other..." the guests laughed, "Harold, please take care of my friend, she's very much of a handful if you ask me, but I know you can handle her, you married her after all..." Yasmin laughed, "I wish for the both of you to have patience and nurture each other, fill each other with love and happiness and my future godchildren..." Yasmin smiled but she was tearing up, "Yasmin, I know I've told you a lot of times, but I'll tell you again, thank you for supporting me and being with me through ups and downs, now all I wish for you is happiness with your husband, take care of each other, love each other and be faithful and truthful to each other, I know you both have went through a lot in your relationship, so I wish for you to strengthen your love more and never give up on each other..." Yasmin wiped her tears as I continued my speech, "May God bless you with all the happiness you both deserve, and no matter what happens I will be here for the both of you, and please stop setting me up on blind dates" the guests laughed, so did the wedded couple.

I smiled at them and gave the mic back.

It was a wedding of a lifetime, the couple had an after party, I was wearing a cream dress, some models greeted me and said their enthusiasm and praises to my works and I told them my gratitude.

"Sapphire! I thought you'll stay in your hotel room" Yasmin said.

"I had to see you, I know you'll leave tomorrow"

She smiled widely.

The drinks were passed on.

Yasmin and Harold then left early, I was left with acquiantances, there were men that would try to strike a conversation with me, I gladly welcome the conversations.

I slowly got drunk, so I stopped myself to drink more.

A man held me when I almost lost my balance.

"Sorry" I said.

He pulled me to him and made me sit.

"Stay for a while, I'll bring you to your room when you can walk properly"

I nodded, he handed me a bottle of water, it was already open, too.

I watched the strobe neon lights.

"Ugh, I'm so sleepy"

There were only the two of us in the half circle couch, I can feel how he watch me.

I closed my eyes so I would somehow lessen my dizziness.

I stood up so I could go, he followed.

"You really don't have to, my room's just in the same building"

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