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The first time Cade had heard about the abandoned mansion on the outskirts of town was at school. He had been hearing from the boys on the football team that there had been an incident with local police. Then, the second thing he had heard was that a woman's body had been found there a week before homecoming.

This prompted his own group of friends to form a plan to go check the mansion out for themselves. Of course, Cade had advised against it because of the rumors, but his friends were absolutely determined to go. Nate had especially seemed excited about the whole endeavor and since everyone was so keen on it, Cade relented.

The worst part was that there were rumors of demons running about the mansion and Cade had a feeling his father already knew about it. It was hard not to know since more bodies had been found there within the last three weeks. He knew going there was likely not going to end well and for whatever reason, Nate was the one that also suggested trying to summon a demon.

For crying out loud, they were stupid teenagers that had no idea what they were getting into and Cade seemed to be the only one with any sense. Not only had he traversed into the edge of the demon realm when he was around eight years old, he had seen his fare share of things. He was only sixteen and he had more sense than his stupid friends.

He sighed as he walked into his father's shop. He could not tell Dante about actually going to the mansion, but he could at least get a little advice on the matter. If not he could possibly sway Dante into coming along with him to check the mansion out before the other kids do. At least the demon problem could be solved that way.

"Yeah, but have you tried the wards?." Dante's voice carried through the shop as he sat at his desk on the phone. He ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know kid, it seems that you need to try something a little different. Those particular demons don't respond to what you've tried before." Dante looked up to see Cade and then waved him over. "Try the wards and see if it works out. I've got to go, my kid is here so call me later." The demon hunter hung up the phone.

"Nero?" Cade asked.

"Yep." Dante sat up. "What's up?" Cade sighed before grabbing one of the empty chairs up against the wall before dragging it over to the desk.

"So, there is this mansion on the edge of town." Cade sat as his father seemed to know what he was talking about.

"Yeah, I know the one." There was visible concern on the man's face at the mention of the mansion. "Let me guess, your friends want to go explore it?" The teen let out a long exhale.

"Dad, I swear my friends are idiots."

"Most teenagers are." Dante leaned back in his chair with a knowing smile. "Except you, because you are sitting here talking to me about it."

"Yeah, but talking about it doesn't help fix the problem." The teen was absolutely right to be concerned. He genuinely cared for people, which Dante had raised him to do. "You know there has to be demons there."

"Rumor has it there is, but the city hasn't come to me to take care of the problem yet." Though the mansion was not a problem in the eyes of the city, it was more of an issue with the parents of kids that could be in serious danger.

"But if it was a problem, would you do something about it?" Cade asked expressing his worry for his friends.

"Of course." The half demon was not heartless or ever considered himself as such. As a matter of fact, his wife said he had the biggest heart of anyone she had ever met. "Listen, Cade, if you're so worried let's go check it out. Just you and me. You're at the age where you can handle yourself and I can trust you."

"You're going to take me with you?" Cade nearly jumped out of his chair at hearing the words. It was not that he was afraid to go, but it was the fact that he had never really thought about following in his father's footsteps. Honestly, he had been more interested in learning martial arts and weapons because it was cool. "Dad, I don't know how to kill demons."

"Kid, you don't have to kill demons if there isn't any." Dante sounded confident that his son could handle a small endeavor like this one. He was positive that Cade could defend himself without any hesitation. "Look, just go with me. If there is no demons then that's a burden off your shoulders as far as your friends are concerned. If there is some demons, we can take them out and then you still don't have to worry." Dante crossed his arms over his chest. "It's a win/win situation either way." Cade sagged his shoulders.


"A little more enthusiasm would go a long way." His father stood up. "Come on, I've got something for you." Cade sighed before following his father to the storage room in the back of the shop. The teen watched as his father opened the door to a mess of weapons and random objects that had been collecting dust for years. "I pawned off all the devil arms I acquired over the years, but I held on to a couple. Especially since I found out about you." Dante stopped digging around when he found what he was looking for. A bolt of electricity zapped his fingers when he grabbed the hilt of the sword. "I don't think it's happy that I left it in here for so long, but I think it's the right fit for you."

"Huh?" Cade stood there bewildered as Dante stepped out of the room with a wicked looking sword that he had never seen before. The damn thing had wings and the head of a dragon for a hilt and guard. "Okay that's a cool sword."

"Yeah, but it has an attitude about who weilds it." In other words, it was picky. "It should be okay for you because your my kid, but you may have to shed a little blood." Cade swallowed as his father handed him the sword. "Don't worry, it won't impale you like it did me."

"That isn't cool, Dad." The teen felt a strong jolt pass through him as he gripped the hilt. He had expected the weapon to be heavy, but he was surprised at how he could lift it with no restriction.

"I am at your command."

"This thing talks?" He nearly dropped the sword as he heard the words in his head. "Dad, it's talking to me in my head."

"Yeah, I forgot about that." Dante ran a hand over his face. "Alastor was a demon before I ran across it. It wants to be a demon again, but there is a contract between us." The contract was made in blood, but Dante was not about to spill the gory details of demonic contracts to Cade just yet. "Let's just say it serves me and mine until I say so."

" I guess." The absolute wonder at the sword was written all over Cade's face. "So this thing is mine now?"

"Yep." There was a reason that Dante entrusted the sword to his son. Once it had protected him from a demonic attack, even though he had it in another's care. "I had pawned it to a friend of mine a long time ago, but you came along and I got it back. Maybe one day you will get Rebellion, but right now, this is the only weapon I trust with you."

"Thanks, Dad." Cade said holding the sword up.

"Don't mention it." Dante moved away. "Seriously, don't mention it to your mother."

Cade smiled as he held his new companion. He had somewhat dreamed of this happening one day, especially after all the times he volunteered to clean Rebellion for his father. Now he had his own weapon to take care of.

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