The Owl, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

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"So, how did you get this job again?" Sarah asked as she and Cade walked into a strange part of town

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"So, how did you get this job again?" Sarah asked as she and Cade walked into a strange part of town.

"I got the call this afternoon about a cursed wardrobe at some shop here on the south end of town." Cade said as he tied the top half of his hair back. He was going to have to cut it at some point. "She said her name was Anna or something like that."

"Did she sound scared or concerned?" The young woman next to him was always suspicious of things when it came to jobs he found. That was in response to the last two jobs that ended up being less than ideal.

"Not really." He was ready to get this over with. This part of town was known for its demonic activity and shady people. Dante had also said this was where the witches and crazy people liked to make their homes. "She just said a client brought it to her, and she needed help with it."

"Huh, well, I guess we better get there then." Sarah smiled before she started to run off to the location. Cade really did not feel like racing against the high strung woman he had been working with the last few weeks.

The more he got to know Sarah, the less of a crush he had on her. No, that crush had turned into something else entirely that he could not explain. She was very passionate about hunting demons while he tended to just follow her lead. Sarah was also full of energy all the time, which got on his nerves a little, but that was her personality. Cade tended to let her do whatever she wanted, and there was no telling her otherwise. She teased him about how he was a lazy gamer, but she also encouraged him to get better. To be honest, he liked having her around all the time. She was a breath of fresh air.

He followed her closely through the darkness. While he knew there was some places across town that were perfectly safe, this was not one of them. Sarah could protect herself just fine, but his mother raised him to be a good man. Cade was not as atuned to demonic energy as his father and Nero, but he could feel when they were in the area. He was still learning how to listen to the demonic instinct that came from his own blood. He still relied on Alastor to let him know there were demons around.

Alastor was humming with energy.

The closer Cade and Sarah got to their destination, the darker the streets became. It felt like a trap, that is, until they came face to face with the building they were supposed to find. Sarah stopped shirt in front of him as they came to a T in the street. Right in front of them was an old brick building with a storefront. It was four stories high and illuminated by a single street lamp. The lamp itself shown brightly as if it were a beacon, making everything around the lamp feel relatively safe.

"The White Owl." Sarah read the bronze letters above the store front. "Sounds like a little dive bar or something."

"Could be." Cade shrugged. He could see a single light shining through the store's windows. Someone had to be there. "Come on, let's go see about this wardrobe." He stepped forward, knowing that she would follow him.

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