One Day

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It had been a shock to the system when Nero first heard the news. They had not been expecting a child, but it was a welcome blessing. When that blessing was suddenly ripped from Kyrie, it blew his world out of proportion unlike anything he had ever felt before. Even when he learned from Dante that Vergil was his father, he had not felt anything like what he felt when his unborn daughter had ceased to live.

Even worse was watching Kyrie shut down for weeks.

Nero had been on a job in Capulet as a sort of transitioning for Cade to finally be on his own. That was going to be the last job before the baby arrived, but when he got a call from Kyrie's doctor with the news, he went numb. He did not remember walking all the way to his uncle's home on the outskirts of the city, but he did remember knocking on the door. When Dante answered, Nero did not know what to say. He started sentences, but could not finish them.

It was like Dante had sensed his turmoil and ushered him in the house. The older man had given him some stability in his life, which Nero was grateful for. Dante listened to him and allowed him to make his own decisions with a bit of advice. Even if that advice sounded far fetched, but Dante had been more of a father to him than Vergil ever was.

Still, Dante could not totally understand what Kyrie was going through. Not even Nero could. So when it was suggested that Kyrie go to Capulet for a while, Nero agreed, but it took some convincing for Kyrie.

She had eaten very little since they buried their daughter. She mostly stayed in bed and occasionally came out when she seemed to be in a good mood. Nero tried hard to get her to talk about it, but to no avail, she would shut down again. Then he told her about Roe's suggestion. It had taken a few days, but Kyrie had finally relented to the idea of getting away from home.

When she came back, she was almost herself again.

It had been a few weeks since she had returned, and everything seemed like it was going well. Kyrie was back to tending to Kyle, Carlo, and Julio's shenanigans while Nero was home from a job. Nico wanted to stick around, but she had a few projects to catch up on before the holidays.

It was nice seeing Kyrie smile again, even if there was still some lingering sadness in her eyes. Nero also felt that same deep sorrow that he had been feeling since he got the call. However, he masked it with going through the motions of day to day life. He continued to support her in whatever she wanted to do.

Kyrie was sitting at the kitchen table writing down the recipes that Roe had given her. She had been meaning to do it for days now but had never gotten around to it. Nero had found her so engrossed with the task that when he sat down across from her, she did not even look up to acknowledge him. This gave him the chance to notice some changes with her.

For one, her hair was much longer, and she had grown out her bangs. He found he liked that more than he thought he would, but that was something he did not care too much about. He loved her for her. Her looks were only part of it.

He must have sat there for five minutes before he felt the urge to move again. It must be that attention deficit thing that most adults were spouting off about these days. He definitely did not get that from his father. Still, he could not shake the restlessness of his nature.

"Kyrie?" He called out to her hoping she was going to look up at him. When she did, she had questioning look on her face. "I uh... " There was the other problem that they had been dealing with.

Lack of communication.

"I uh... I want to talk to you." Kyrie blinked at his request. She had not exactly been forthcoming with him about how she felt since she returned home. "We need to talk."

"We talk all the time." She told him, but it seemed she was trying to avoid talking about the one thing that both hurt them so much.

"Not enough." He hated to press her, but he was ready to tell her how he felt. He had been ready for a while and he gave her space, but he did not want to keep it in anymore. "Not about what happened."

"I don't know if I can talk about that with you yet." She put her pen down with a sigh.

"Okay." Nero licked his lips and reached for her hand. "What if I talked and you listened."

There was not much Kyrie could do other than to nod. Nero began by explaining how hearing the news affected him deeper than he thought anything ever could. This confession alone had made tears come to her mohagany eyes. At some point during his monolog, he had let go of her hand, which caused a downtrodden look to come across her face.

His own tears had started to drop onto the table like a slow rain. The heaviness of his heart was spilling over into an empty oblivion that threatened to swallow both of them. Through all of this, Kyrie remains silent. Her hands were now clasped against her chest in some sort of prayer as her sobs joined in with Nero's silent cries.

Their grief had been unleashed together for the first time in a long time, and suddenly, she had started speaking to him. Sweet whispers of apologies for not seeing how much he was also suffering inside encircled their small kitchen. Tender touches on each other's faces as they wiped tears away. Hands being held and soft kisses offered a promise of finding a way through the mire of sorrow that they shared.

Together, they promised each other that one day, when the time was right, they will try again. They held on to each other, sharing in the pain, and then the healing could begin now that the two of them understood. 

Tomorrow was a new day.

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