How Bad Could It Be?

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"I'm so glad we are getting out of the house without the kids tonight." Roe said as she was putting her ruby earrings on. She had been cooped up in the house since Evie had been born and she was relieved when she got the invite to her colleague's wedding.

"Yeah, but it's not as fun when it's just a boring wedding with people we really don't know." Dante poked his head out of the closet while he was trying to adjust the tie around his neck. "Are you sure we aren't going because the groom's mom is a demon?"

"Has that happened before?" Roe turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow as he exited the closet.

"Surprisingly...yeah." He was still fiddling with his red tie and Roe moved to help him. "One time the groom's mother hired me because she was absolutely convinced that the bride had her son under some sort of enchantment." He smiled when Roe fixed the tie then looked in the mirror. Weddings weren't his thing. "As it turned out, it was the mother of the groom that was the demon. Crazy stuff happened at that wedding."

"I bet." She put a hand on his chest. He looked rather handsome in a suit, which was a very rare occasion for him. "But no, this is just a regular wedding. No demons, no fights, and definitely no trouble."

"Open bar?" He asked.

"Open bar." She smiled as she turned around to look back into the mirror. "Besides, I want to enjoy a night away from our kids. Patty is here to watch the girls and Cade is at Nate's. I can finally breathe a little." Dancing with Dante was at the top of Roe's list of things to do at the wedding. She has been waiting for this for weeks now, and she had lost some weight to fit in her maroon dress.

"Well, I'm not big on weddings unless I'm paid to be there, but I'll go for you." He kissed her on the cheek before grabbing his blazer off the bed. "Besides, how bad could it be?"

Famous last words.

The wedding ceremony itself was beautiful in all sense of the word. Roe was happy to see her friend tie the knot with her long time fiance. Of course, Rebecca and Jason had only been together for a total of five years. This was a big day for the brunette anthropologist in white.

Dante had trouble sitting still sometimes. Mostly because he hated going to weddings, funerals, and big parties that involved people he preferred to not be around, but he did his best. There were a couple of times where Roe pinched him on the thigh to make him pay attention, like she did with Cade sometimes. Dante adjusted his position to get comfortable and draped his arm around Roe's shoulders.

Rebecca and Jason looked like a happy couple when they sat at their table for the reception. Their friends and family all got up one at a time to say polite, but sometimes hilarious things about the couple. All in all, it was actually a decent wedding. Nothing happened and that was a surprise to Dante. He sat at the table with Roe and two other couples who were chatting with each other. He was not paying much attention to them as he sipped on a glass of whiskey.

The dancing had begun around seven thirty and Dante was on his fourth drink, which was not even enough to get him buzzed. Roe was dancing with the bride, who was so happy to have her there. Dante on the other hand, was more than ready to leave. He had his fill of social interaction for the day, or more likely the year. However, one the music stopped, Roe came up to him and held her hand out as a slow song came on.

"Isn't it my job to ask the girl to dance and not the other way around?" He told her with a smirk. He grabbed her hand before standing up to lead her to the dance floor.

"Well, sometimes a woman has to do what a woman has to do." She told Dante as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. "You looked like you needed some rescuing from the state of boredom I left you in."

"Did I look like a damsel in distress?" Dante asked her with a chuckle.

"No, not really, but I felt bad for leaving you on your own." She leaned into him as the song went on. "I know these things aren't your cup of tea, but I'm really happy you are here."

"Well, babe, it turns out that weddings are pretty boring without some random demon coming to crash the party." He leaned down to kiss her temple. "But, this may be the best one yet."

"Why is that?" Roe looked up at him.

"Because I didn't get to dance with you at those other weddings." He twirled her around until she was in his arms again. "I danced, but I never had a very good partner." He winked at her.

"You're so funny." The sarcasm dripped from her voice, but her eyes twinkled with mirth. "I love you."

"Love you, too." He kissed her just as the song ended. "See, I told you I wasn't going to be bad."

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