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Dante had barely stepped in the door of his house when he was assaulted by a seven year old. Not just any seven year old, but a red-headed adorable one who was crying tears of joy. If he had not been so rooted to the ground, Dante would have fallen 0 at the shear force Evie used to jump and tackle him. She had wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.

"I missed you so much, Monkey." Just her nickname alone caused her to cry harder. Dante looked over at his brother, who stood behind him, looking rather out of place. "I'm home now."

"Don't ever, ever, ever, leave ever again." She said hiccuping as she pulled herself off Dante's shoulder to look him in the eye. Her tears were still streaming down her cheeks, and that was enough to crush his heart. He shifted her in his arms so he could take care of those tiny drops of water.

"I promise I won't ever leave for that long ever again." Dante wiped her tears away with his thumb then kissed her on the cheek.

"You have to pinky promise." Evie hiccups as she holds her little hand up with her pinky extended.

"Okay, I pinky promise." There was a smile on his face as he held up his hand, and wrapped his pinky around hers. "I love you." He said as he hugged his youngest child again.

"Who is that?" Evie looked over her father's shoulder to see Vergil silently watching the whole interaction. "He looks just like you, Daddy?"

"That... is your grumpy Uncle Vergil." Dante turned around to face his brother with a smirk on his face. The older twin crossed his arms with a deadpan look on his face at his brother's words.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you Grumpy Umcle Vergil." Evie held out her hand with a smile, hoping that her politeness was enough to entice Vergil to accept her welcome. And he did. He calmly grabbed her little hand in his and gave it a small shake. There was a softness in his eyes as he took the gesture of his niece.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Evalyn." She giggled when he said her formal name and withdrew her hand.

"So, what are you doing down here by yourself, Monkey?" It was only seven forty-five and Patty was supposed to be here with the girls while Roe had gone on to her Gala. Dante set his daughter down, and went to look in the kitchen. "No Mara either."

"She's upstairs with Patty doing makeup." Evie said crossing her arms and grimacing. Dante came back to where she stood next to her Uncle.

"How about you go up there and cause a little chaos." That was all he needed to say for Evie to put a mischievous smile on her face. The little girl turned around and skipped her way to the stairs before running up.

"I've seen that look on your face so many times as a child." Vergil told him. "Especially when you wanted to get back at mother for her little tricks." Dante chuckled putting his hands on his hips as he remembered those times.

"Yeah, those were the days." He said as he heard a commotion from upstairs and Patty's voice yelling out. He could also hear Evie's fake crying as she explained there were some strange men in the house. Dante shook his head at the devious nature of his youngest child.

"You two stay up here while I go give these criminals a beating." Patty was still the force of nature she had always been. "I mean it, stay up here." Dante could hear Evie snicker from where he stood.

Ever so slowly, Patty's footsteps made their way down the stairs until her head cleared the ceiling. I'm her hand was one of Cade's old baseball bats and she nearly dropped it when she saw Dante standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey Patty, you really think you can do me in with a baseball bat?" The shocked look on her face told Dante all he needed to know before she gripped the bat and stomped down the stairs with an angry look on her face. As soon as she came to stand in front of him, she swung the bat at him. Thankfully, he caught it just before it hit him directly in the face.

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