Fight of the Erinyes

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The expanse of the Underworld was uncomfortable to everything else Dante had ever seen in life. Until he and his brother came across what looked like a veritable oasis in the middle of a proverbial desert. This oasis was more of a forest that stretched all the way to the horizon in front of them. The trees were dead of course, but every so often, there was some demon hanging from the branches in the thicket.

To Vergil, it reminded him of the suicide forest that was described in the Divine Comedy. A book that his father made him read as a child and one that he did enjoy to a point. The book was not his favorite, but that was beside the point. He knew there was some truth in the saga, but he had not really come across any of it until now.

"I wonder who did all the Christmas decorating." Dante said as he walked ahead of Vergil a ways. "To be honest, I had no idea the even celebrated."

"You're a moron." Vergil pinched the bridge of his nose at Dante's quip. They had spent too much time together at this point and they were both eager to find their way out of Hell itself. "Did you not read the Inferno when we were kids?

"Too many words, not enough pictures." Of course. Dante was a child of action, not of careful knowledge like Vergil was. "I did read it when I was older. Dad left some books, and Inferno was one of them. He even left little notes in the margins."

"Where are those books now?" Vergil was curious to know what books his father had left for them, but he doubted they were in good condition after all these years.

"In good hands. I left them with Cade." The mention of Dante's son made Vergil think of his own for a brief second. "Actually, I left everything with Cade."

"Was that wise?" He asked his younger brother. "How old is your son?"

"He was sixteen when I left. I reckon its been a couple years, since we've been up there." Dante said with a smirk. "He's a good kid. You'd like him." There was no denying the fatherly pride that radiated off of Dante.

"It doesn't matter if he is good, what matters is if he can hold his own." Vergil was curious to know if his nephew had the same power as his own son. He was sure Dante was going to spout off some ridiculous nonsense about how his son was just as capable of holding his own as Nero.

"I don't know if he can. I let my kids be kids since the day they were born." Dante admitted and this threw Vergil off slightly. "Cade is the only one who knows what he is. He's seen demons, and I thought he was going to shy away from them, but he didn't. I don't know if he will be a hunter. He hasn't seen the trauma we have, so there is no reason for him to follow me." The younger twin stopped and looked at his brother. "Other than he wants to."

"I see. I'm still curious to know how strong he is." Only Vergil could say something like that and get a smirk from Dante.

"Well, if I had to guess, he's got a lot of untapped potential. I bet you could show him a thing or two when we get out of this place." Dante was hellbent on getting home while Vergil had some apprehension towards going back.

"What makes you think that?"

"Because he reminds me of you." Was all Dante said. 

Vergil very much doubted that. If anyone was like him, they would have been just as horrible as he was. If not worse. He knew he made mistakes, and he lived with them for a long time. His nephew was not like him in the least, and he was content with that. Just like he was content with Nero reminding him of himself.

"I'm still interested to know why there is a forest with demons hanging from trees though..." Dante continued walking forward, unaware of what could be lurking ahead. Something did not sit right with Vergil as they continued on deeper into the forest. Dead demons hanging from trees in the Underworld was never a welcoming sign.

What are you doing here, son of Sparda?

The voice whispered in his mind causing him to stop mid stride looking at Dante for confirmation that he also heard it. The feminine voice was clear as day, but its owner was nowhere to be seen.

"You heard that too, right?" Dante asked.

"That was not a figment of my imagination." Vergil retorted with his hand on Yamato's hilt and ready for an attack. He barely had time to react when he was bombarded by something solid and fierce. 

"Vergil!" He heard Dante yell out his name as he brought the Yamato up to block the spear that had been thrust at him. "It's one of those Fury bitches."

"Really? I hadn't noticed!" He yelled out as he stood there using all his strength to keep the spear from piercing his torso. He was able to lock eyes with the Erinyes. Golden against ice blue. The connection was sealed, and now the battle was to begin. "It's Aleckto!" He broke off her attack, causing her to flutter back with a flap of her wings. "She is testing me."

"You don't say!" He looked over his shoulder to see Dante locked in combat with Marcaria. "These bitches are tough!"

That was because they were not demons. They were something akin to goddesses, and they were guarding the forest. Why? Vergil did not know, but focusing on Aleckto, he understood.

She was like her sister, only her horns spiraled up and her colors were cerulean. She was known as the Spear of Vengeance in mythology, and she lived up to the title in his eyes. Why he and his brother were being tested was a mystery, but he had his suspicions. Ever since Marcaria had looked down on Dante's form some time ago, Vergil had the feeling they were being tracked, if not guided to this place.

"So what do we do?" Dante said throwing off Marcaria's attack.


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