Here's the Plan

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It took two months for Cade to get Devil May Cry looking halfway decent. Not to mention he had to borrow money from his mother to do it, but it was not in such a bad state anymore. The mold was what took the longest to clean up as it was pretty much everywhere. Not to mention, the refrigerator had to be replaced because it was a nightmare on the inside. Other than that, it looked pretty good.

Stepping down from the ladder, he looked around at the newly repaired and recovered Devil May Cry Agency. Well, as much as it could be. He was pretty proud of himself at the hard work he had done and had still managed to keep his job. He smiled at the job well done before making his way over to his father's desk. Well, it was really his desk now. He was ready to call it a day when the door opened. He looked up to see his cousin walking in.

" about redecorating..." Nero whistled. "You did all this yourself?"

"In between work and sleeping." Cade whiped his hands on his cargo pants as he went to sit down in the chair. "I didn't know you were in town."

"Yeah, I had a job nearby. Thought I'd stop and see how all of this was going." The older man motioned to the entire room. "Oh, and Nico wanted me to give you these." Nero pulled out a package wrapped in cloth. "Lady and Trish put in to have these made for your birthday, but you know Nico." Cade watched as his cousin deposited the package on the desk and removed the cloth covering the items. "I came up with the design, since you know..."

Cade almost did a double take when he saw a pair of pistols sitting in front of him. They were not like Ebony and Ivory, but something much more his style. Of course, the two guns were basic .45 caliber pistols, but they had been modified heavily to match Alastor. That and he could tell they were perfect for whatever he needed them for, except he was not a demon hunter.

"These are cool and all, but I'm not a hunter." Nero nodded knowing that Cade had no experience with demon hunting other than what he had experienced in the past. "I really appreciate them though."

"Well, that's the other reason I'm here." Nero leaned on the desk. "I think it's time you come work with me." Cade sat up straight.

"You're joking, right?" There was no way that Nero would be asking him to go hunt demons. Nero was an independent hunter and did not take on subpar hunters or newbies.

"Nope." Nero said. "Look, Dante kinda mentored me, I'll be returning the favor by doing the same to you." The older man was adamant about the whole thing and Cade could see it as clear as day. "You've got this place looking pretty good and I have it on good authority that your job sucks ass." That had to have been Roe. "So, what do you say?"

"I can't just quit my job like that." Cade protested, but he ultimately knew that he could quit his job if he wanted too. As a matter of fact, he was looking at changing careers.

"You know the money is way better." Was it really? Between the demons and the lulls that Cade remembered with Dante, he knew the money was good when it came.

"Fine." Cade said.

"Alright, so it's a deal." Nero seemed to be excited in taking Cade under his wing. "I'll see you at your Mom's place tonight."

"Sure, okay." What had he just gotten himself into? He ran a hand through his shaggy hair as Nero walked out the door. The question was...will he regret it later?

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