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His brother's phone started ringing around midnight when it was just him in the house. When he picked the receiver up, Vergil was slightly surprised to hear Anna's voice on the other end. He was expecting his twin calling to make sure everything was alright, but it was very late. Dante was likely having fun with his wife and daughters on their impromptu family trip.

However, the tone of Anna's voice was urgent when she started to explain her predicament. She was vague, but from what he could tell, she was in need of help. That was fine as he was about to leave for his nightly rounds that she had no idea of. He did not waste any time exiting the house and using Yamato to go to her.

When he came in sight of Anna's shop, he could hear the screams of pain from inside. They were feminine screeches of terror and agony. Whatever Anna had called him for was demonic in nature, which was extremely concerning to him. Vergil was alert to the demonic aura coming from inside the shop, but he was sure that Anna was relatively unharmed.

Opening the door, he could hear the commotion in the back part of her shop. Female voices were speaking in hurried fashion as the screams echoed through the space. Vergil pushed forward through the curtains that led to Anna's workroom, where she was speaking to an older woman. She looked up at him briefly as she put a hand on the woman's shoulder in comfort.

"He's here." She told the grey haired woman. "If there is anyone who can help, it's him." She looked up at him with pained eyes. Anna looked exhausted.

"Are you sure he can be trusted?" The older woman seemed to be distrustful, especially when her green eyes trailed down to Yamato. "He is a hunter."

"He isn't a hunter." Anna moved away from the woman. "Camille, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, Anna, but I don't know if he can be trusted." It seemed that Camille knew who she was looking at. "I've seen this man before a long time ago. He is not to be trusted."

"Why not?" Anna crossed her arms over her chest. "I trust him." That was good to know on Vergil's part, but he understood exactly why no one else should trust him. Not after everything he had done in the past. Anna looked at him in a way that made him slightly question exactly why he was there in the first place.

"Anna, sweetheart, he is responsible for raising the tower years ago." There it was, the past dragged back out in the open in front of him. Anna uncrossed her arms and glanced back at Vergil, knowing full well what he had done. "He is the reason so many people suffer to this day."

"I am fully aware of what he has done, and I'm sure he needs no reminder either." The conviction in her voice made Vergil fully understand exactly what it was she thought of him. Even if they had barely spoken to each other in the past six months, they had formed some sort of quiet companionship. "Your granddaughter is in desperate need of help, and Vergil is probably the only one that has the skill to help." Camille shook her head as she walked up to Anna and put her hands on the younger woman's arms.

"You are a Savant." Camille's eyes were full of encouragement. "You can save Thea without his help. You just need to believe in your own power." Vergil silently stood watching the interaction. Anna did not believe in her own power, which he was unaware of. "You are one of the most powerful witches in the world, yet you are terrified of what you can do." Anna's face hardened at Camille's words.

"Do you want to save Thea?" By the way Anna stood, Vergil could tell she was done with Camille's intrusive behavior. "Because we are wasting time." Her voice changed in tone. It became deeper as she was taking control of the situation. "I trust Vergil, and if you trust me, you will let him do this." Anna said nothing more as Camille pulled back. The older woman gave a defeated sigh as she hung her head and walked into the back room where the agonizing screams were coming from. Anna turned to him. "I'm sorry."

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