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"Do I really have to talk to Dad about this?" The platinum haired preteen looked back at his mother who was sitting in her Jeep with the window down just outside of Devil May Cry. She took in a deep breath and sighed. 


"Fine." He looked up at the sign that he had gotten really familiar with over the years and then decided to just get it over with. 

"I'm going get groceries you can ride home with your father." He heard his mother say to him as he put a hand on the doorknob. His mother, he loved her, but she was really mad about what she found while cleaning his room that morning. Sighing, he turned the knob and walked into his father's shop. 

"Hey, Kid." Dante was lying on the couch with a magazine over his face and his feet crossed at the ankles, but every time someone walked in, the man knew exactly who it was. "What's going on?" 

"Uh...nothing." He really didn't want to have this conversation with his father, but his mother insisted because she said she didn't know how to talk to him about it. That and she was pretty mad about it too and he had no idea why she would be mad. 

"Really?" His father removed the magazine from his face and looked at him with a questioning and also disbelieving look. "I doubt it. Your mom dropped you off." He threw the magazine onto the coffee table and sat up, swinging his feet over and standing up. 

"Okay so, Mom may have found something in my room she didn't like." Cade found himself walking towards his father who, at this point, was almost to his desk. He felt like his father was going to get mad at him too, but then again, looking around the room there was probably no reason Dante would get upset. "She found my stash, Dad!" The boy was pleaded for some kind of backup on this. 

"Oh." A man's stash was a man's stash. It was his sanctuary of pleasure when there wasn't any to get and it was essential for teenage boys. Dante felt for his kid. His stash had not been discovered by a girlfriend or wife, no, it had been discovered by his own mother. "Where did you hide it?" 

"The top of my closet." Cade looked down at his hands in shame. That was like the number one rule of hiding ones 'stash' from a mother or wife. "She randomly decided it was time to clean out closets today and mine was first." 

"Ouch." The demon hunter ran a hand through his hair and sighed as his son seemed to be disappointed in himself over this. It wasn't the end of the world, but it seemed that he would have to make both Cade and Roe understand. "Okay, sit over there and we are going to talk about this." 

"No, dad it's okay." Cade started to panic because he didn't need to have 'the talk' with his father. He had already been through sex education in school, getting it from his dad was not ideal. "I've already had that talk." 

"Cade, sit down." He pointed to the red couch that had been there forever in a day. The same couch that he and Roe had a make out session on when they found out she was pregnant with Mara. Shaking his head, he got up from his chair and made his way over to sit on the table across from the couch to look at his son. "I know you know about sex, but that is biology. This is...different." It was just as uncomfortable for him as it was for Cade. 

"Dad, please no." Cade was almost to the point of pleading with puppy dog eyes to not hear about what his father had to say on the subject. "Please no." 

"Did she throw away your stash?" Not the question that Cade was expecting, but it was better than the talk he thought he was going to get. 

"Yeah." The kid sighed and looked up at his father with sad eyes. "She said she was going to burn them." Now, one would think that after living and knowing Dante their whole lives, this was almost expected of his son as well, but Roe obviously let that little fact slip from her mind. "Dad, she lost her mind." 

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