Moonless Walks

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Vergil was not accustomed to the strange feelings that had started to claw their way out of his skin. He was starting to think he had bit off more than he could chew by going to Anna's. Every time he was in her presence, despite her indifference to him, he was becoming more curious about her. So much that he wondered exactly what it was about her that kept drawing him in.

He knew she was some sort of witch, especially if she was kin to The Alchemist. Other than that, he knew little about her. Vergil knew of the Alchemist's affection for a particular group of witches through what he had read so far. Her power was elusive to him, and if there was one aspect that attracted him, it was power. He wondered what Anna was capable of.

He found himself dressing for a night of long drawn-out confessions and makinging amends. Long coat and Yamato in hand, he made his way down the stairs from his apartment above his brother's garage. As it was, Dante had been up late himself working on the car he had bought months ago. When the younger twin heard him coming down the stairs, Dante popped his head up above the hood.

"Can't sleep either?" Dante grabbed a shop rag to wipe the oil from his hands.

"I've gotten used to sleeping since we came back." It felt strange, to be honest. He had not slept since he was nineteen years old, and now he had just become accustomed to it. "Maybe I've been letting my guard down too much."

"What's wrong with that?" Dante threw the rag on the tool stand next to the car. Vergil gave him a look. "Yeah, you're right. Things have been way too quiet."

"You were the one who decided to hang up the sword." That was because Dante had more important things to take care of, namely his family. "In any case, you've been here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" His brother became defensive.

"It means nothing." Vergil pointed out. "You chose to give up hunting to take care of your family. That's an honorable thing to do." He envied Dante's choice to stop fighting for the time being. They both knew that one day, they would be called to defend humanity against a more powerful foe. "I'm not judging you if that's what you think."

"No, you aren't, but sometimes the urge hits me... ya know?" The both of them had a much better grip on their demonic blood now that they were older. Sometimes, the bloodlust made itself known, but it was rare. "Anyway, I'm gonna go try and get some shut-eye." Dante said before he shut the hood on the car. "Night, bro."

"Good night, Dante." Vergil smiled and shook his head as Dante tossed his tools on the workbench before heading into the house. His brother was as carefree as when they were children, and for some reason, that was enough for Vergil to feel content.

He walked through the side door leading to the backyard. The air was cool, and the sky was moonless as the seasons were changing again. Tonight, he had a different destination in mind. There was some unfinished business to be had. Taking Yamato, he opened a portal and walked through it.

The first place Vergil went was to his son's doorstep. It was late when he got there, but it was better late than never. He politely knocked on the door only for Kyrie to answer. She gave Vergil a small smile before inviting him in, to which she excused the mess that she had been cleaning up in the living room. Apparently, it was game night with the boys, to which he was relieved to have just missed.

"There is no need to apologize. My brother's children are as much as a disaster." That was putting it mildly as Evalyn, Dante's youngest, was the equivalent of a tornado. Kyrie laughed at his statement, knowing that there was truth in it.

"That's what children do." She smiled at him. "I'll go get Nero. He's out in the garage working on the van."

Kyrie left him by himself for the moment, which was just enough time for him to see the photos that the young woman had hanging on the walls. Pictures of her parents and her brother, along with a few of Nero when he was a child. Some part of Vergil was comforted his son had been loved and protected by some sort of family, which was something he himself had strived for in his pursuit of power. These were mistakes he was going to have to live with and rectify for the rest of his life, however long that may be. 

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