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Dante had the trailer hooked up properly to the Jeep while the boys were loading up the dirt bikes. Today they were headed out to The Pines where Cade and Nate could get in some good Motocross in before possibly going to the next race. Dante agreed to take them for practice because Nate's father was off on a business trip so, it was left up to the Devil Hunter to be the one to bring them out. 

"You think that kid with the green bike will be there today?" Nate asked his friend as he secured his dirt bike to the trailer. "He was there killing it last time." 

"I don't know. He and his dad were there last time and they were about to pick a fight with your dad." Cade said as Dante brought out the bike he had fixed up for Nate's dad a few days ago. "You think its going to run?" Cade looked at the white and blue bike that had tripped the cable on a jump two weeks ago. 

"We will find out." Dante rolled it up on the trailer and then tied it down before hopping off and then looking at the two boys. 

"I'd like to see that guy pick a fight with Dante." Nate leaned over to Cade and whispered before the man walked away from the two teenagers. 

"Dude, I think he would shit his pants if he picked a fight with my Dad." Cade turned around to make sure everything was secure before going into the garage to get the helmets and padding that they were required to have to even ride on the track. Not that Cade really needed it, but it was just rules that had to be followed. "Here, Dad needs one too." He threw the helmet that Dante usually wore to Nate and they went to put it in the back of the Jeep. 

"Dude, I didn't notice the bike over there, where did that come from?" Nate said looking at the Hyabusa that Dante had brought home to mod for himself a couple months ago. "Thats a sick bike." 

"What's with all the 'Dude' this and 'Dude' that?" Dante said coming into the garage and closing the door to the kitchen behind him. "Since when do you say 'dude' all the time?" 

"Dude, you totally say Dude all the time too." Nate said trying to get one on Cade's father. 

"I do not." The demon hunter said in mock offense as he grabbed the little tool kit off the work bench in case he needed to make adjustments on the bike. 

"Dude you totally do." He stopped and looked at Cade and Nate with a blank face. 

"Get in the Jeep and shut up." He watched as the two boys pushed each other out of the way to get to the Jeep. Dante shook his head and closed up the garage. "I don't say Dude that much." He grumbled as he got in the Jeep and they got on the road. 

Thirty minutes later they had pulled up to the track and found that it was full of people trying to get ready for the next competition and there was no place to park. Dante had never seen it so full and then there were so many bikes on the track that there was a wait to get on. This would not do so he put the Jeep in reverse and pulled out of there, confusing the boys in the back seat.

"Dad, where are we going?" Cade looked behind him and saw the track becoming smaller and smaller until it was out of sight. 

"Up the road." Both Cade and Nate looked at each other and then back to Dante who was focused on driving. 

"Dude, we are going to the Hills." Dante swore if he heard 'Dude' one more time he was going to throw both boys out of the Jeep into the forest to fend for themselves. He was really beginning to hate that word. He looked back at Nate through the rear view mirror and almost glared. 

"Dude! No way!" Dante glared at his son this time. 

"Dude! I got a funny joke!" Oh now they were doing it on purpose. "What is funnier than twenty-four?" 

"I don't know, Dude." Cade's voice came with a snicker and Dante tightened his grip on the steering wheel. 

"Twenty-five!" Dante didn't know if that was the stupidest joke he had ever heard or if he wanted to log that in his memory for torture later. Apparently it was so stupid that the boys just laughed over it anyway. 

"Dude, that was so funny!" Dante couldn't take it anymore. It had to end. 

"Enough already!" He yelled out at his son and Nate who stopped laughing, wondering what they did and then they realized. 

"Dude, we said Dude way too much." If Dante could trigger right now he would, but he didn't because then people would lose their minds and then he would be called a freak and the list went on. So he kept driving. 

"Oops. My Bad." What is with the slang kids use these days? Dante had no idea, but it was actually getting on his nerves. This actually reminded him of those two devil arms he found way back when, Agni and Rudra. His son and his son's friend reminded him of this situation. 

"No talking until we get where we are going!" He turned around in his seat to look at the two shaggy haired teenagers with a glare and both of them stared back at him, probably wondering how he could drive while looking at them. 


"NO. Talking!" Now if those two kids were talking devil arms, he would've banged their heads together, but they were children so he couldn't do that. Oh but he wanted too. He never thought in a million years that his own son would annoy him so much. "Good." He said after a moment of silence from the back seat. 

It was going to be a long day. 

I know that this is a short one, but that is mostly because these are prompts that I have listed and pretty much they have to be at least a thousand words. It's more of an exercise for me on writing short stories. No worries, I have one more to go before we get on to a main story. 

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