Chapter 18

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Andrews POV
(I'm just gonna say sorry now)

"MOM!" I heard Conner yell. I quickly turned around trying to figure out what had him yelling only to feel a little body collide with mine. "Mom you should come play with me I want to ride on Oliver!" He talked quickly trying to get me to move fast. " Okay pup just give me a second." I told him while patting his head. I pick Conner up and take him towards the woods now realizing I had just come from the back door.

I get ready to shift while talking with Conner " what do you think we should have for lunch?" "CHICKEN NUGGETS!" I get from an excited Conner thinking of the balls of goodness. "Okay" I replied while ruffling his hair. "Step back a little" I warned and started to shift when he took a few steps back.

I waited a few seconds while crouching for Conner to hope on my back and when I felt his weight and grip on my fur settle I took off in a little jog. Conner was giggling away with glee enjoying the wind in his face and the nice scenery. After a while something started to feel off.

I turned back and started to make my way back while thinking to my self that I'm just being paranoid. "Nd..ew.. andr.." I heard faintly not help the bad feeling that was slowly growing. "Aww are we going back already" Conner said with a slight whine. I just gently nods my head while looking around. Suddenly I heard a twig snap. I stood completely still for only a few seconds before taking off in a quick run while also being carful of Conner on my back. "Mom what was that" Conner's voice was faintly heard over the wind and blood rushing in my ears.

Out of nowhere a wolf jumps out in front of us scaring me. I stopped has quickly has I could and got ready to fight with them. I noticed soon after that it was axel. 'Axel you scared me I thought you were a rogue.' I huffed out somewhat relieved. Yet somehow the bad feeling was just getting worse even with axel right in front of me. Jax, Liam, and Ethan came out of the woods. "NDR...ANDR....WAK..P!" I heard the voice again but louder and more urgent then before. My four mate slowly started to circle me. Not thinking much of it I relaxed and started to walk up to axel.

Suddenly they all jumped at me. I had let my guard down not expecting them to charge at me. Conner scream was heard has the four bigger wolfs started to attack. 'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!' I screamed at them while quickly putting Conner underneath me to protect him. While the four wolfs were attacking I heard Jax's voice. 'Did you really think we would even want someone has useless has you. You can't even protect your self let alone another.' Jax had growled in my ear. " NDRE....PLEA...WAK...UP" it was that voice again. Try to listen while protecting Conner was to much and I lost focus.

Conner was suddenly ripped out from underneath me. Liam held me down stopping me from grabbing Conner back into my paws. He started scream and cry even more no that he was in the jaws of danger. I could see a little bit a blood on conners arm from Ethan's teeth digging into it. 'NO PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM! I'LL DO ANYTHING!' I started to scream and sob ignoring my own wounds with the worry I was feeling. ' Why when this will hurt you so much more.' Liam said while not letting me up. "ANDREW WAKE UP!" I finally heard Oliver's voice loud and clear but right when he finished the other three jumped on Conner. 'NOO!' I howled out while hearing him scream out his last breath.

I quickly jumped awake searching for conner. My mind a hazy mess only has one goal right now. Protect Conner from any threat and my biggest threat is the four wolves currently surrounded us. I spot him curled up right next to me. I quickly shift so I can protect him better. 'Andrew calm down it was just a nightmare.' I hear Oliver faintly in the back of my mind trying to get to me. Once I finished shifting I started to growl at the threats surrounding my pup. Conner was startled awake when I jumped on top of him growling. Jax, Axel, Liam, and Ethan jumped up searching for the threat.

They quickly realize no one else is in the room and quickly become confused. "Andrew what has you so on edge?" Jax asked while putting his hand out. 'You can't have him!" I shouted while crouching low on Conner to cover him more. Hac still didn't understand stand what was happening and put his hand a little to close for my liking. I quickly jumped forward just enough to but his hand just still cover Conner.

I heard a hiss of pain come from Jax while he quietly pulled his hand away. 'Andrew please they don't mean Conner any harm.' I hear Oliver which calmed me down just a bit. ' they hurt my pup.' I told Oliver with a pained whine. Mind still hazy but slowly clearing. After I bit Jax all four of them backed away while being in my view. 'Please just calm down a bit.' Oliver begged. Still growling I relaxed just a tad bit but still prepared for an attack. " baby calm down we would never hurt you or Conner" Liam stated in a calm voice trying to get close.

'Lier!' I thought ' you have before nothing is stopping you now either!' I was quickly put back on edge until Liam decided to stop coming closer. The four had seemed to decide to leave the room for now until I had clam down. With them gone I quickly shift because and Locked the door. Rushing back to Conner I bundle him up in blankets and cuddled him tight while breaking down think of the absolute pain I felt in the nightmare with he was ripped away from me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I kept repeating while sobbing and holding him has tight has I could without hurting him. After a while I put on a movie for Conner and watched him slowly fall be to sleep after the scream I accidentally gave him earlier. " I swear I'll protect you." I said to a sleeping Conner while finally closing my eyes to go back to sleep to after the emotional drain I had and hour or so ago. Not even realizing I shut Oliver out and that four very worried wolves were waiting right outside my door waiting for me.
Hey everyone I'm so sorry for this chapter I just started writing and it turned into this. Anyways hope everyone doing good I'll see y'all later! Hope y'all have a great day baii~ ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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