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Jaan: so what exactly happened to this sana

Riyaz: only way to know is contact them.

Vaish: how

Jai: are you gonna do some mantra stuff with fire and that white powder things as you see in movies

Riyaz: umm I don't think so we can just use these diaries to get their story.

Sid: elaborate plz

Riyaz: rn other than their spirits possessing anyone of us here, which is very dangerous btw, the only other way is to contact them with something we both parties can use, which rn is the dairy.

Raash: bhai's dairy is bhai's right so how will we use it to know sana's story

Faru: we will use your bhai's dairy to know his story and sana's dairy to know hers

Raash: ooo

Fais: do we need to do anything

Riyaz: I don't think so just sidneet would be fine or maybe raashul too others can just be with the parents

Reem: when you planning on doing this.

Riyaz: tonight

Abhi: that too early don't you think

Faru: more fast we solve this that fast we can go home

Anu: its not too dangerous right.

Riyaz: no

Sid: you said the 'souls' weren't dangerous too

Riyaz: ok now that's different this I know what I'm doing ok

Faru(chuckle): bro you sound really offended

Riyaz: obviously this is literally my job

Anu: so you don't have any other real job.

Riyaz: this is a job

Ritz: which doesn't get paid

Riyaz: you were quite the whole time now what happened huh let's just drop my job matters okay

Jan's mom: your plates are dry children

All: oh right

Skip night


Riyaz, Faru, sidneet raashul are present everyone else are in dinning area sitting together parents are praying for everything to be fine

They are sitting around a table with a candle and both the dairies on the table

Sidneet sitting together and raash and faru sitting opposite to them riyaz in middle

Sid's POV

                I was feeling extremely nervous with whatever is going on here. With the disturbingly dark lightings and silence Riyaz has been sitting with Sana's dairy with his eyes closed and mummering something for sometime now. I could feel avu shaking next to me I held her hand which was really really cold. Took her hand in mine and started to rub it smoothly to calm her which seems to do have an effect on her a I looked over her but couldn't see her face as she was sitting looking at her lap her hair was blocking her face from me. By the time Riyaz opened his eyes with a confused look.

Riyaz: strange

Faru: why what happened

Riyaz: I can't seem to get a connection. Let me try the other one

He took Rahul's diary and started to do the same thing except this time after some time the dairy opened itself. The dairy we saw with no writings had something written on it.

Riyaz took it too read he had a very serious expression on and a strong and strange aura too.

After a quite long time he finished reading it. The aura I mentioned earlier left as soon as he kept the dairy down.

Riyaz: we got both side of stories in this Rahul before dying knew what happened to sana and Sayan. It's kind of really long so let's call the others.

Raashul: you are not looking sana's?

Riyaz: uh well she don't seem to get a connection with me so and also we don't need that anymore.

Faru: let's go others must be worried.

Avu suddenly took the dairy with her and started walking. It's weird she was quite the whole time and didn't even look up. I'm sure she is really scared after all the things she had to see before coming here. I sighed and followed her making a note myself to talk to her privately afterwards.


Sid and avu went first later raashul followed. Riyaz and faru was still in the library.

Riyaz: I think something went wrong.

Faru: what?

Riyaz: do you think avu is acting a little weird?

Faru: yeah but I thought it's because she was the one who was seeing all the souls and stuff

Riyaz: yeah earlier I could feel sana's presence soo close but still couldn't connect with her. This usually happens when the soul has already possessed a body.

Faru: so avu is possessed

Riyaz: it is possible

Faru: dose that she mean is dead

Riyaz: n..not really God why do you make things so straight forward.

Faru: what isn't that what you always say.

Riyaz: l..let's just go come on they are waiting.

Faru: ok

Yeahhhhh soooo feeelll freee tooo killl me in the comments or direct msgs or anywhere

Because I really don't have any explanation in my hands rn soooo

Yeah feel free to comment anything

Yours love hearted,

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