Chapter 23: What Happened That Day

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The man groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry. All he remembered was being home and then suddenly, he was here. His entire body felt numb and his mind foggy as a blurred figures appeared in front of him. One was holding dragging something behind them that he couldn't quite make out. The other figure was saying something but he couldn't hear due to the loud, painful ringing in his ears. He tried his best to get a look at their faces. That's when one of them was thrown to the ground and as the first figure dropped what ever it was that they were dragging. Slowly, his vision cleared and he caught a glimpse of white and black hair.

Immediately, his eyes widened as his vision finally cleared fully. In front of him was his sister, his brother-in-law and his daughter. Andrei was unconscious with a huge bruise on the side of his head and Sorina's sobbing was muffled by the cloth shoved in her mouth. He tried to go to her but was stopped by something binding his hands behind his back and legs pinned to the floor so he was on his knees. Looking behind him, from his knees down, he was submerged in a thick black mold. He tried to demand what was going on by the tape covering his mouth prevented him from doing so. All around him was some sort of tree roots constantly shifting and flowing with this strange, thick black liquid he had never seen before. 

Within the roots that surrounded them was the bodies of nine people he recognized. Slowly, the overwhelming feelings of dread crashed over him like violent waves against a rocky shore.

Slowly, his daughter made her way to him. Her blue eyes that usually held nothing but admiration and love were now cold and filled with rage. However, her composure made her seem relaxed and in control. Sweat pricked his forehead as she kneeled down in front of him. 

''It's about time you woke up, father.'' she said in a resentful tone as she ripped the tape from his mouth.

''Alexis, what's going on? What are you doing?'' it was a stupid question, he knew that, but it was the only thing he could think of to say.

''Only what you and I both deserve.'' she said, spitting in his face before getting up and ramming her foot into his stomach. He grunted and doubled over, trying to make himself as small as possible. ''I know everything now. I know what you did. You killed my fucking sister!''

''Please, please let's just talk about this. You don't have to bring Sorina Andrei into this.'' he said with wide eyes, pleading with the girl he raised as his own.

''The only thing I want to talk about is why... Why did you do it? What did she ever do to you?!'' she screamed, gripping onto her blue scarf she always wore. There was no way for him to even guess how angry she was; how heartbroken. 

''I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry.'' he sobbed, chest heaving with each choked sob.

Alexis groaned, grabbing a fist full of his hair and yanking his head up. ''I don't care if you're sorry. Why did you do it? What did she ever do to you?!''

''Nothing...'' he whimpered quietly as her stared into his daughter burning blue eyes.

''What was that?'' she growled, obviously irritated.

''Nothing! She did nothing! She didn't even fight back!'' he screamed, still sobbing heavily with guilt. He never thought this day would come. He was content to just let the guilt eat him from the inside out until the day he died.

''What do you mean she didn't fight back? Of course she would have! Lex never gave up! She wouldn't have just left me alone!'' Alexis shouted in denial. Luca saw the look in her eyes change from rage to confusion and confliction. Her hands were shaking.

 Fourteen Years Ago

He waited against a tree, an axe resting in his hand as his anxiety spiked. The only piece of information that the couple gave them was that it was a monster that would wreck havoc on the Village, more so than the Lycans that stalked the forest. The couple didn't entertain any of their questions and flashed them a bag of lei, telling them just to get the job done before disappearing. 

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