the mission

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Jungkook was fighting his greatest enemies men. He and his men were losing though. Jungkook was pissed off about it. He kept on fighting him.

Jungkook: Shit! Shit! Shit!

Jungkook was getting angry. They were gonna lose. The best thing to do now was to retreat.

Jungkook: ahh shit...

Jungkook was in the back seat of his car. His driver was driving him home. He had a minor wound on his stomach. He didn't care even though it hurt. He's upset that he couldn't win.

Jungkook: are we almost there? My hying needs to treat my wound...

Driver: we're almost there sir.

Jungkook: good...

Once they were there, Jungkook got out of the car. He was going to the doors of his mansion. Once he opened the door, Jin goes over to him.

Jin: ani... What did you do?... Always coming home injured!...

Jungkook: just... Just fucking he's this shit.

Jin: can't heal it. I can clean it and bandage it.

Jimin then came over to him. He's Jungkooks secretary. They've hooked up a few times but that aren't dating.

Jimin: Jungkook... I hate you going on these missions...

Jungkook: It's not like I got a fucking choice Jimin.

Jimin: well... Stop coming home injured!...

Jungkook: aish... What's my schedule like for today?

Jimin: ugh... You have to look out for some enemies in this small village. A few of them are there trying to blend in.

Jungkook: ooh... That'll be easy.

Jimin: not really...

Jungkook: how come?

Jimin: they will be protected. Also, you won't know who they are.

Jungkook: how? I know what all my enemies look like.

Jimin: well, the thing is, they have disguises.

Jungkook: ooh.

Jimin: well... You need to leave next week.

Jungkook: okay.

Jin: your injury will be healed by then.

As that was said, Jungkook let himself he also for the week.

(Next week)

Jungkook was leaving to go to that village. He saw a field of flowers. He was walking towards it. He suddenly saw a boy laying in the center of the flower field. He looked beautiful. Jungkook bent down besides him.

Jungkook: he's beautiful...

Tae was sleeping. He had Snook away from home without his father knowing. He had three flowers tucked behind his ear. He started to wake up. Once he saw Jungkook he gasped. Everyone in this village knew who he was. Tae was told to stay away from him. He developed a little crush on Jungkook.

Jungkook: are you okay?...

Tae: yea... I'm okay...

Jungkook: good...

Tae: Umm... Don't tell my father I was here... He'll kill me...

Jungkook: Hmm... Okay then... Keep this between us then...

Tae: what?...

Jungkook pulls Tae onto his lap. He tucks his hair behind his ear.

Tae: I'm not supposed to be here or touch these flowers.

Jungkook kissed Tae on the lips. Tae was blushing like crazy.

Tae: ab...

Jungkook: angel... You're so precious~

Tae: ab...

Tae was a blushing mess. Jungkook then picked him up.

Tae: ahh...

Jungkook: don't worry little one~

Tae hid his face in Jungkooks neck.

Jungkook: where do you wanna go?

Tae: I wanna stay here and collect flowers. I love staying here.

Jungkook: ooh.

Jungkook laid Tae on the flowers. Tae reached for one. He put it in his hair. Jungkook saw Tae had a whole basket worth of flowers. He noticed Taes shirt had flowers on it. He was working a purple shirt and it had sunflowers on it as it's pattern.

Jungkook: I see you're obsessed with flowers.

Tae: how could I not? They are so pretty. My father hates flowers...

Jungkook: why?

Tae: he hates anything that brings me joy... Like boys... I love boys...

Jungkook: what kind of boys?

Tae: well, boys that can give me lots of hugs and kisses.

Jungkook liked down innocent he was. He needed someone to care for in his life. Tae just talking to him while laying on the grass was adorable. Jungkook noticed Taes belly button. There was a piercing. It was a sunflower. Jungkook smiled.

Jungkook: cute belly button.

Tae: ooh, heh. Sorry, I didn't know my shirt was up.

Tae tried to pull his shirt down but he couldn't. He forgot he tied it in the back.

Tae: umm...

Jungkook: what's wrong?

Tae: nothing... Wait... What's the time?...

Jungkook: it's 3 pm why?

Tae: oh my gosh! My father will be home! He's going to kill me! I must go!

Jungkook: or you can stay with me...

Tae: oh no! I must go!

Tae took his basket of flowers. He ran back to the village. Jungkook saw he left something. He left a flower what was in his hair. Jungkook took it. He smiled.

Jungkook: you'll be my little angel soon~

Tae: Father I'm so sorry!

Mr. Kim: flowers again?! Stop going to that garden!

Tae: but why?...

Mr. Kim: because I said so!

Tae ran to his room. He cried on his bed. His father ran the town. They weren't rich though, I mean, it's a small little village. They are very unknown.

Tae: huu... I'll make a pretty flower crown...

Tae starts to make a flower crown. Once he finishes it he puts it on his head.

Tae: okay, this is pretty!

Jungkook: hmm... Where could those assholes be...

He saw a guy enter a small house. He looked through the window. It was one of his enemies. He took out his gun and he shot him. He fled the scene.

Jungkook: now... That main bastard...

Jungkook saw him, he wasn't wearing a disguise. Jungkook smirked. He was about to shoot him until that beautiful boy showed up in front of his target.

Tae: appa! Can I go out to the market?!

Mr. Kim: no.

Tae: but why not? They are having a sale on my favorite snacks!

Me. Kim: fine. You can go but get back safely.

Tae: ooh thank you appa!

He hugs his dad. That beautiful boy's father is a con man.

Jungkook: well shit...

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