6. Give and Take

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Ohm's POV

Sorry Candy My baby.... Dada was busy checking the temperature of the milk to feed you. I smiled looking at the most precious thing to me. Can someone even love her as much as me? I thought to myself putting the milk bottle in her mouth she started sucking the milk from the bottle. Holding my hand.

Looks like she is very hungry. Aunt Ava said creeping a smile on her face looking at the baby.

Hmm. I did feed her apple cerelac this morning around 9 am. And she is hungry this soon I wonder what all she have in that little stomach. I asked Candy smooching her little stomach for multiple times she threw the empty bottle away and started laughing... Her laugh echoing within the big empty halls.

Young Master. Did you had your breakfast ? Aunt Ava asked while I was busy playing with my daughter.

No. I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me. I said taking my baby in my arms walking towards the kitchen.

But Young Master it's already too late for the breakfast. Should I serve you lunch? She asked taking the utensils out.

Well that's sounds Good.

Just give me a minute. I'll serve. She said walking into the kitchen.

I was sitting alone on the big dinning chair. Watching my kid doing throwing her toys here and there. Aunt Ava came serving me with various hot and tasty foods.

Uhh...So much food for one person Aunt. You could have served me one tasty dish. It would be much for me.

No Ohm....just look at you how lean you are getting. Now don't get shocked Aunt Ava is the one who raised me since I was young it was her and me in this house living for too long and this dinning room is where she can actually be my raised Mother.

Oww now you are saying I am lean. No Aunt I am just trying to fit in those Suits. I said laughing diverting her focus and then I started digging in the food.

You are skipped food often Ohm. And I am worried about it.

I am not good with memory. I said laughing cutely shoving my mouth full of food. She went silent for a while.

Ohm.... I know you are trying to preoccupy yourself with work so that you can escape the reality and I totally support that. And I know you want to be the best dad who wants to give your special time to your kid unlike your parents. I know I have seen how much you have spent your life alone until Pring came into your life but now that pring----------

I have you.... Aunt. who I can relay on and I have Candy who I can love. And I am very much happy with that and for this life it's very much enough for me. I said cutting her off in the middle.

But I want someone to love you like who you are. Someone who take care about your meals, health and in every thing. Someone with whom you can share the love towards Candy, Someone who actually loves you more than anyone of us more than pring herself. She said pressing my hand softly.

Aunt- I - I really don't want to talk about this.

No. Please try to understand Dear. I don't last too long I'm old already. She started rubbing the back of my palm with her thumb. I hugged her trying not to cry yes I was emotional and weak I hate it. I hate being weak I said in a whisper.

It's okay Ohm. Sometimes showing your weakness is what makes you stronger. I always want the better for you. Aunt Ava said patting my back. I choose to stay silent cause I don't want to hurt her with my harsh words.


Next day in the office

I entered the room walking straight to my cabin ignoring the people who were wishing me. Perth was walking behind me as usual.

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