7. Devil is the player

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Jesus. Save me. I don't wanna get fired on the very next day of my work. I talked to the god in the church early in the morning. I need money right now and for that I am really ready to do any sort of things. Please just don't let me kicked out of the office by Ohm.

I lit a candle and sat on the bench... Replaying the incidents that I did last night in the board meeting.

First I didn't knew the paper work there. So I happened to give wrong paper for the presentation every fucking time. Ohm was grinding his teeth for infinity time yesterday.

And then I had to listen all the useless things from Perth. He literally ate me. Ohm is scary but he doesn't use his tongue to pull you down but Perth does. Only god knows how I held my hands together from throwing things on Perth's head while he was scolding me for my reckless behaviour infront of Ohm. While Ohm was pretending to do something on his PC.

I was already so upset with the things happened on the very first day of my work. So I went to a near by open bar people were serving chilled beer cans. I had 5 beer cans cause for a heavy drinker like me 5 is a piece of cake. And I loose my control over my body and basically tongue that's my week point.

So here I am literally hopeless cause yesterday night after drinking I dumped infront of his Car. Calling him all types of names yet he was standing still listening to my shit in the middle of the road.

After that I don't remember anything. I work up in the parking lot of our company building 3AM. Thank god I didn't got robbed in the midway.

And here I am praying for God.


Ohm's POV

Last night was hectic. I didn't knew Nanon would show up in the middle of the road drunk in that state and called all the names. And by my experience by this time I expected a resignation letter from Nanon Korapat but no that didn't happened instead I got a sorry letter. He came into my cabin asked me to forgive him without any excuses that kinda weird and unexpected. He is full of surprises. I thought to myself opening the sleeve , rolling up feeling the burn in my skin from the past memories.


Is that true that you live alone in a mansion like House? A familiar voice which was stalking me from past few week whispering in my ears since that unexpected encounter.

I ignored clearly by solving sums from the text book not giving a damn about the dimpled guy and his notorious group.

Maybe your parents are very busy to look after you or they forgot you? Huh? He said now sitting infront of me smirking. Then again I ignored.

Or maybe they are cheating on each other by fucking around? He said now making me stand on my legs moving out of the place and that was the start of everything.

I remember everything which he did to me.

It started with Trash thrown in my locker. Everyone used to be scared of Nanon as he was son of politician with horror political background. But I was the only one who knew he was just an attention seeker and nothing more but I was wrong.

At first I stopped caring about him. No matter how many traps he made for me I didn't fall for anyone of them and I believe that's what triggered him to do horrible things to me. He was insane and everyone knew about that but no one raised a voice against him and his group neither I was dare enough to face him. So I used to ignore him. Somedays he stopped stalking me and I don't know why.

Until unless we both started liking the same girl and that's where the 2nd Chapter of Me and my Bully started.

Pring my classmate. She was my only friend in the uni cause I was never a good guy in making friends. Tell me who wants to befriend me when I was that boaring nerd of the class. At first I just liked her as a friend until Nanon entered again to make it complicated.

He started messing up with me. He warned me to get away from her when I didn't he locked me up in the uni library for a whole night. And then he was not satisfied with that he started torturing me physically by throwing punches slowly the punches turned into something more scarier.

There was a day when I won a quize that evening I was celebrating myself with a can of beer. He popped up from nowhere as he hit my head with a wooden stick. I got hit by him very cruelly. That day I asked him why he was actually hitting me?

That's when he said. Cause you won the quize. And I didn't liked it.

He started burning my skin recklessly with his straightener . My pain was his cause of euphoria.

And finally I made a decision to report him to the higher officials of the Uni cause I was done with his cruel psychopathic behaviour. But then I was too late to protect myself from a beast like him. Cause no one were dare enough to go against him and his father not even the Principal himself. I tried every way to get out of his way but no I couldn't. I quit protecting myself. So I followed him everywhere ,did all the chores he asked me to , his laundry, paying his club bills, I did his homework, I attended his exams, He even made me to clean his shoes. I worked like a Dog. I lost my hopes on loving Pring.

One Day Pring got to know everything about Me and Nanon. Pring made Nanon to regret his Life decisions. I was almost out of his torture living my life peacefully getting back to my studies and getting close to Pring until Nanon showed up again to Challenge me about who is going to win Pring. I can still remember him throwing a dialogue.

'The one who wins Pring's heart is the winner and The one who doesn't should not involve in Pring's life anymore..!!' Will you accept my Challenge Ohm?

Only a foolish can agree to this. For me Love is not a Game and I am not a player like you. I said adjusting my spectacles.

Well....So you already decided the Winner. You know what happens when the opponent gives up on the very first step? The other will be considered as a Winner.

Don't think you are winner cause this is not a game it's love.

But love is like playing with fire and everythin is fair in love and War. And for me love without war is no fun. Maybe you are still afraid of the burning scars on your skin. He said lookin at my arm I covered it up with the sleeve he chuckled.

I will Challenge you that I will never let Pring fall for a Devil like you.

In that process......

"he loved the game and I loved the player. "



Last line had me screaming.

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