23. Love to Dream

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Ohm's POV


To some people everyday is like a new chance new day and they wanna make it better than Yesterday. To some people a new day may be a worst day which they never wanna repeat again. To some people every day feels like same by doing the same thing following the same routine eating the same salt pepper chicken breast nothing new it just that the date changes.

And I was one of that people who has same routine which circles around like a clock. But sometimes I'll stuck in the past having the same nightmares which swallows my sleep, having irregular sleep cycles cause I am afraid of closing my eyes, afraid of losing something which is important to me again and again.


ARE YOU AN IDIOT CAN'T YOU SEE ITS RED LIGHT? CARRYING EYES ON YOUR HEAD? BLOODY BASTARDS CAN'T DRIVE PROPERLY......(Nanon suddenly steps on car break and yells at another Car driver who made a wrong UTurn)

In a blink of an eye....

Afraid of seeing the same scenarios which gave a traumatic experience.

Familiar Junction of X roads

Traffic lights...(blinks red to green)

Heavy vehicles stuck in traffic...

Loud Horns...

A familiar ice cream parlour across the junction road....

Since you are playing a perfect husband role, Can I go get icecream for both of us?

Mega Icecream cones.

Afraid of experiencing the same Traumatic memories...

Feeling desperate, longing, hoping to getting chocked from inside...


Sir....Sir are you alright? I saw Ohm holding his chest, sweating up feeling difficulty in breathing..

Ohm are you listening? Ohm? AYE OHMMmm...

Ohm held my shirt tight gesturing me to take the Uturn as soon as possible...

I stepped on the accelerator turning the wheel taking a Uturn then stopping the car at the side.

Ohm jumped out of the car crawling on the ground, I was worried, patting at his back , I looked for a plastic bag in the car.

Ohm take a deep breath... I said as he took the plastic bag blowing the air into it and then breathing in.

Ohm get in the car I'll help you. He pushed me aside. Walking away from me, he was walking with wall support and I was following him from behind ready to catch if he falls.

As I expected he tripped,  I held him from the back he turned around looking pathetic his lips were pale with high temperature.

Perth calling....

Hello Ohm.

Perth it's me Nanon. Ohm is not feeling well he got panic attacks in the car in the middle of the road right now he is refusing to get back to the car. I don't know what should I do.

Huh? Where are you?

Junction of X roads.

WHAT? You dumb, why are you there? I already told you to never take that route.

But it is the short cut and Ohm wanted to reach home as soon as possible.

I really don't have any patience to have an argument with you. But take him away from that place soon cause that's where Pring died.

Unexpected EncounterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora