Chapter 1

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Chapter One- The Black King

"Is m'lord hungry?" The whore asked, her naked body stretched out beside Daegan's. Her hair was a tangled mess, results of Daegan, the King of Augustia, the Black Summer realm of Emery, running his hands through it.

"Only for you, darling." He replied huskily, bringing her chin up to his face so he could press his lips against hers. He stopped kissing her passionately after a moment to say, "Oh, not so rough, darling. A little less teeth."

The second whore, who was busy playing her mouth on his manhood, looked up to say, "Sorry, m'lord. You're just too fun to play with."

"Then keep playing!" His booming laughter filled the small room. The whores giggled along, as they were paid to do, then the one with the dark hair went back to kissing his manhood while the one with lighter hair nibbled on Daegan's ears and left a trail of kisses on his neck. Daegan purred like a giant cat, enjoying the little stings of pleasure all over his body.

"My turn to play!" The lighter one teased, gently pushing the dark one's mouth off of Daegan's part and bringing herself down on it so he was inside her. "Oh, m'lord. Oh, yes."

"Mmmm," the other one purred, kissing her fellow whore's neck, then moving to kiss Daegan.

Just before she reached his mouth, the door to the room opened. Sounds of loud moans and screams from other visitors of the brothel came into the room, and in the doorway stood an old man with long white hair to match his white, scruffy beard and a face both wise with age and hard and strong with experience.

"Dowan! What're you doing here?" Daegan asked cheerily, acting as if there wasn't one girl grinding on him while another played with her breasts.

"Care to join us, m'lord?" The dark whore asked, eyeing Dowan seductively.

"No thank you, ladies. Please grab what little clothes you have and leave the room." The old man's voice was rough but gentle, like a low thunder. The whores kissed Daegan goodbye and left the room.

"Oh, come now, you didn't have to go and ruin all the fun!" Daegan cried, throwing his large arms up in the air.

"There is news from your cousin in the Spring realm. I thought it was urgent." Dowan closed the door and stood guard at it as Daegan leapt off the bed and stretched his long, muscular body. His body was perfectly chiseled, with muscles bulging everywhere it was possible for muscles to bulge. His hair was a ruffled dark brown, streaked with blond on top like the sunset that was his realm's sigil. And his eyes were round, black pools, always shining and laughing.

As he pulled his black trousers up, he muttered, "Excellent, more news. I don't want to know."

"Your Majesty," Dowan warned.

"Dowan, you have been my most trusted advisor for eighteen years, since I was crowned King when I was ten. Before that, you were my father's advisor. You've seen war and corrupt business meetings, but did you ever see anything so bothersome as a cousin who constantly has news to tell?" Daegan buttoned his black silk shirt, shaking his head. "It seems at every turn, my cousin Gavin is either cutting off more trade, restricting payments to other realms, or having another child."

Dowan bowed his head, sighing deeply. Daegan sighed and asked, "Another child?"

"Yes," Dowan replied, his tone slightly grave. Before, when he had told Daegan of the birth of Gavin's first two daughters, his tone had been serious but not so discerning as it was now.

"Oh, no." Daegan slouched onto the bed, defeated. "It' s a son, isn't it?"

Dowan nodded gravely. "A little prince they called Jarek. But there's more."

"More? Good gods, my cousin is trying to break his own records it seems."

"The witch he's married to, the mother of this new son, is a Darkwhite descendant."

"Darkwhite? Incredible! I must say, I'm not too surprised. I could sense something was strange about my new cousin by law. Ah, little Gavin goes and marries a woman who has ties to witches that predicted the death of his father."

"And your father's. And a war among you and your cousins."

"Yes, that as well." Daegan shook his head in disbelief.



"King Gavin executed his trusted advisor, Finnian."

Daegan was silent in shock. "Executed? How? Why?"

"He charged him with acts against his Queen and beheaded him in a matter of minutes. He's named his mother by law, the witch Bianca, his new advisor."

"Executed," Daegan wondered. How could he? Trusted advisors were blessings for rulers. Rulers had to be careful with who they trusted, but they knew their advisors were some of the only people they could wholeheartedly trust.

"I know, it was quite a shock to receive the news. It was the only thing that could beat the news of the birth of a son from a Darkwhite." Dowan came over to help Daegan with his black muslin cape and to pin the little sunset sigil onto the cape, then led him out of the room. The two men walked through the whorehouse, naked women leading men to cozy bedchambers, shrieks of delight escaping between cracks in doors, and seductive giggles echoing in the walls. Daegan wished he could go back to the room and let the two whores have away with him, instead of having to face the consequences of the news Dowan had brought him.

They exited the establishment, then got onto their horses and began a trot towards the Black King's castle.

"So what do you think, old friend?" Daegan called to his advisor.

"Of the news?"

"No, of the whores," Daegan quipped. "Yes, Dowan, you old bat. What does this news from the White kingdom mean for us?"

"A son is a dangerous thing, My Liege. You'd think, its just a small baby, but that little thing between his legs makes him powerful."

"I know the feeling," Daegan joked.

"Your Majesty," Dowan warned. "A son means your cousin's line is secure. His rule can go on for another generation, whereas you have no idea what will happen to your kingdom upon your death."

"How morbid. I like to think I have at least a few years on you, old friend." Daegan tried to keep up his cheerful attitude, but Dowan was beginning to worry him. "Well, advisor, advise me."

"I do have an idea of what actions we must take, but I think we should reach your business chambers to discuss them."

"Why? So I don't run away?"

"Something like that, my young friend." Dowan joked gruffly. Daegan could tell he was trying to keep him bright, but it couldn't stop the pit of worry forming in his gut.

The Emery Chronicles: The Black King's Beauty (SECOND BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now