Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty- Tension

All night, Kieran cried and cried, not falling asleep once. She just kept picturing Daegan's face, the strong, kingly face that had crinkled and quivered like that of a crying child. Her heart yearned to hold him and to hear him say he forgave her. But she knew she didn't deserve it, and that made the pain in her chest swell even more.

Daegan had gone to his study, throwing himself into his large chair and pulling at his hair. He cried as well, something he hadn't done in a long time. He curled himself up, fitting his large body in the seat, and rocked himself back and forth, trying to stop the tears and the ache in his chest.

He managed to do so after some time, sitting back in his seat and staring up at the ceiling with no expression on his face. When the clock almost struck midnight, some guards came into the room and announced that Corbet had been hung as per his instructions.

They waited for a word from their king, but after some time of absolute silence, they left without even an acknowledgment of their presence. Daegan had heard them, but he felt hardened and bitter, unable to form words or even to blink his eyes. They ached from puffiness, but they would not allow him to close his eyes and sleep. Instead, grief likes to keep people awake so they drown in it all night.

The next morning, neither the king nor the queen took their breakfast in the dining chambers. Kieran waited for Daegan in their bedchambers all morning, but he had washed and readied in his study, then locked himself in there with his thoughts. Dowan tried to enter the room to speak to him about business, but even he was denied entry. That's when he knew something was wrong.

Kieran finally gave up on waiting for Daegan and instead dressed herself. She was just finishing braiding her hair when Dowan asked permission to enter the room.

"Don't you have a maid for that?" He asked, indicating her braid.

"I let her take the morning off," Kieran responded, but they both knew Kieran had simply told Garnet to leave in case Daegan showed up, so they could be left alone to talk.

"Strange, even His Majesty let his page take the morning off," Dowan commented lightly. "Is today a holiday I'm unaware of? Perhaps I should be off as well."

"Was there something I could help you with?" Kieran asked dejectedly.

"I just wanted to check in on you," Dowan told her, smiling gently. "You know, advisors spend all day with kings, telling them what to do, listening to their problems and such. We forget that even queens need someone to talk to every once in a while."

Kieran nodded, not looking at him. She kept nodding until finally her tears broke out again. Dowan slowly walked over to her and gently let her fall into his arms, holding her and petting her head like her father would've done. She cried until a wet spot emerged on his shoulder, then looked up.

"I'm sorry," she choked out, but Dowan just shook his head and brought her head back down. He kept petting her until her tears died down. She finally managed to speak again, talking into his shoulder. "I was involved with Corbet. The boy that worked for my father. I told Daegan about it."

Dowan did not change his body language, continuing to pet her as steadily as he had before she spoke. Then he quietly informed her, "That boy was executed late last night."

"I know. He tried forcing himself on me and Daegan had him charged. Then I told him."

"Are you alright?"

"Fine. Daegan found us in time." Physically, she was fine; but her heart still ached in the worst kind of pain.

"I'm assuming the news did not linger well with our king?"

"No," she whispered, almost bursting into tears again. "I think he hates me."

"No, darling." Dowan raised her head. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes. "No, My Queen. That man is hot-headed and full of fire, but the one thing he doesn't have in him is hate. Especially not for you. He loves you, more than anyone could ever love someone else. You're all he thinks about, you consume his every thought. That kind of love cannot turn to hate just because you told him some bad news."

"It wasn't just some bad news," she shook her head. "I told him that I had loved someone else."

"Yes, but you also told him you love him now?" She bowed her eyes but nodded weakly. "You cannot even try to hide it; I see it in your eyes same as his. The kind of love you two have for each other can never be broken by something so trivial. Believe me."

"Really?" Kieran looked up again and asked meekly.

"Believe me," was all Dowan replied. "You should talk to him. Don't let him keep away for so long. You both need each other, now more than ever."

Kieran nodded, then hugged him ferociously, digging her face into his chest like she was a small girl. Dowan simply petted her again, letting her recuperate, and letting a new spark of hope simmer inside of her.


Kieran dressed her best that night and had Garnet garnish her hair. She instructed the cooks to prepare all of Daegan's favorite meals for supper, and nervously waited for him in the dining chambers. Dowan was going to persuade him to go there and eat a proper supper, and she'd do the rest.

On cue, Daegan walked into the dining chambers and stopped when he saw her. She waited for some reaction, awe at her attempts at glamour, shock to see her there, even anger. But Daegan simply took her in, up and down, then turned and sat at his seat, without a word. Kieran sat as well as the servants brought in the many dishes.

Daegan began filling his plate, piling it high with food, but once done he only sat back and drank wine, merely swirling the food on his plate around with his fork. Kieran herself did not even glance at the food, merely watching him.

"Daegan, please." She began. "Let's talk."

"Talk?" Daegan responded without looking up. "You want to talk about loving another man?"

"No, I want to talk about loving you." She leaned forward in her seat. "I know I've hurt you, but you need to know that I love you and I want to be with you."

"How long did it take you to realize this?" He asked, finally looking at her. "How long before you started thinking of me instead of him while he pressed his lips onto you?"


"I'm sorry, Kieran," Daegan stood. "But every time I look at you, all I see is him pressed up against you."

"But he's not who I want!"

"I don't either," Daegan responded. "I don't want to see him, but right now he's haunting me."

They were silent for a while, too long of a while. Neither could think of what to say, so instead they wallowed in their sadness together. Finally, Kieran spoke.

"Maybe I should go back home for a while."

More silence, before Daegan said, "Maybe you should," and left the room.

Kieran sat in the silence alone until Dowan appeared in the doorway, a question on his face, but already knowing the answer in his eyes.

Kieran shook her head and said, "You reminded me of my father today. I think it's best if I go visit him."

"Perhaps," Dowan commented. "Distance can be a good thing. But it's only a visit. You'll be back."

Kieran nodded, but her heart was no longer sure of anything.

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