Chapter 6

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Chapter Six- The Black Queen

Daegan and Kieran exchanged their vows before the godsman at the end of that week, in the large cathedral at the center of Augustia. The high black walls with stained glass windows created a calming aura as the couple was wed.

Kieran looked ravishing in a long black gown studded with sapphires and black pearls. Her soft yellow hair was pulled back and curled. Her face was blank and her eyes were downcast. Daegan could not take his eyes off of her.

"You may now kiss your bride and forge this sacred bond of marriage," the godsman announced after their vows. Daegan turned to his bride as she slowly turned to face him, keeping her eyes downcast and not looking up at him. He gently put his hands on her delicate shoulders and bent his head. He lightly placed his lips on hers, but not a moment after they had touched, she pulled back. Before Daegan could wrap his head around it, the guests in the cathedral broke into applause.

Dowan approached Daegan and escorted him to the side as the godsman went to Kieran's side and continued to proclaim, "And now, to crown our new queen."

The godsman revealed a crown, simple and yet elegant, a work of dark silver interwoven with shining jewels as black as a late night sky. He raised it over Kieran's head and bellowed, "All hail the new Queen of Augustia, the Black Summer realm of Emery! All hail the Black Queen Kieran!"

The cathedral erupted as the hundreds of guests repeated the godsman's words, welcoming their new queen.


Kieran fidgeted and squirmed in her seat, uncomfortable in front of all the people.

She was seated next to her new husband at a table raised above those of her guests, a succulent feast set before her. Daegan was happily digging into his plate, savoring every morsel and guzzling glass after glass of mulled wine. But Kieran could not bring herself to eat more than one small, almost minuscule bite at a time. She was nervous, and felt completely out of place. She wished, above all, that she could just escape to the outdoors and fly with Sinopa, that she could feel the cool night air blow back her hair and tickle her lashes, that she could melt away in the inky black sky.

Noises from the guests thrust Kieran out of her reverie, and she looked up to see the first of them lined up and ready to welcome their new queen and present her with gifts.


"Lovely, isn't she?" Liadan smirked. She stood, with her arms crossed over the sequined bodice of her elegant grey gown, next to her cousins. Roux looked handsome in his fiery red getup, and the royal couple from the White kingdom were bedecked in pearly robes. There was a slight air of tension among them, but so far only cool words of small talk had been exchanged.

"Yes, our cousin has found himself a beauty," Gavin politely replied. Liadan felt a twinge of what others called sadness deep in her gut (for, normally, she never felt anything). Before they had all been split up and assigned to rule their own kingdoms, she had been closest with Gavin. Before she was the ice queen, she had actually laughed and felt excited about things, all because of her favorite cousin. But then they had turned ten and were given their kingdoms. And then they had turned twenty-six and Gavin had married his little witch, the marriage ending practically all contact between him and Liadan. Now they were all twenty-eight, Gavin had three children, Daegan was married, Roux was always moody, and Liadan was just the ice queen with no feelings. She almost missed feelings. Almost.

"Her gown is gorgeous," the little witch, Arwen, continued to say. Liadan looked over at her, and Arwen turned to meet her gaze. However, she was only able to hold the gaze for a few seconds before looking down and blushing. Liadan smirked again and turned to look back at Daegan and his bride at their table, welcoming guests. A good thing about not having feelings: she could hold an icy gaze for hours on end, and others only dared to look at her for mere seconds.

The time came when the White couple approached the high table.

"Congratulations, cousin! You've caught yourself quite a beauty!" Gavin beamed, heartily shaking Daegan's hand and politely kissing the new queen's hand.

"Many thanks, cousin, and thank you for coming." Daegan boomed happily, shaking his hand back, then hugging Arwen ferociously.

"Of course! We were very honored by the invitation," Arwen told him after their embrace ended. She turned to Kieran and said, "You look beautiful, my queen. Welcome to the family." The two queens lightly hugged each other.

Kieran liked the White couple, for they were polite and sweet. And she very much admired the Queen Arwen, who was the only person in the same position she was in.

"And how are the children? Congratulations on the new boy, by the way." Daegan continued.

"Well, thank you. They're growing up so quickly," Gavin replied, smiling and placing an arm over his wife's shoulders.

"You must come and visit them sometime," Arwen encouraged sweetly, though everyone knew this visit would never happen. Sweet words may be exchanged, but the cousins were not on the best of terms at the moment.

Next, Roux approached the table. "Congratulations, you both look splendid! Many wishes of happiness for the new couple, and may the gods bless you with the same fertility our White cousin has experienced," Roux winked as Daegan chuckled loudly and Kieran blushed deeply. The two cousins hugged, then Roux kissed Kieran's hand, welcoming her to the family.

Lastly, Liadan approached, and said, "Many congratulations, cousin. Seems all of my cousins are being ticked off one by one."

"Not ticked off, cousin, just married." Daegan chuckled.

"For now," Liadan whispered as she bent into a curtsy. "Welcome to the family," she told Kieran, eyeing her with her cold blue eyes.

"Thank you," Kieran mustered out, completely enamored by the Queen's cool beauty. Liadan smiled, but there was no joy in it. It was just a simple motion, and then she turned and sauntered away.

"And now let us allow the new royal couple to retire to their bedchambers!" A page announced, and the crowd cheered eruptively. Daegan reached a hand out and Kieran took it gently. They marched out of the Grand Dining Room and to their bedchambers.

Kieran tried to keep her breathing steady and heart rate low, but she could not stop herself from dreading what was about to happen.

The Emery Chronicles: The Black King's Beauty (SECOND BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now