Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty One- Fatherly Advice

When Daegan awoke the next morning, he turned over in the bed and saw the emptiness beside him. Kieran had already left hours ago.

He got up and dressed himself, then slowly made his way to the dining chambers. He took his seat and tried to eat the boiled egg before him, but it tasted rubbery and unappetizing in his mouth. He sat back in his seat and instead drank a long swallow of warmed wine. It was the only thing that didn't sicken him.

Dowan entered the room and took what was normally Kieran's seat energetically. He filled a plate of food and began stuffing it into his mouth like Daegan hadn't seen him do before. He was eating the way Daegan normally ate, lustily and enthusiastically. He didn't glance up at Daegan, instead letting him stare as his advisor devoured his breakfast. Finally, Dowan spoke.

"You miss her."

Daegan sighed and rolled his eyes, and was going to stand up and leave when Dowan spoke again.

"It's alright for you to admit. I'm sure she's just as miserable as you are."

"I'm not miserable, I'm just tired. I have a lot of work to do, so if you'll excuse me--"

"No, you can leave when I'm finished." Dowan indicated Daegan to sit back down. Daegan rolled his eyes again, but sat back down. "Don't tell me you're just tired. I know you, I've seen you through fevers and broken bones. You're miserable because you love this girl, you love her with all of your being, and the reason you're feeling so miserable is because your body is telling you you should go after her instead of sitting on your arse and guzzling wine."

"I actually do have work to do. Remember? My kingdom needs me?"

"Your kingdom needs a strong king, and right now you're weaker than dandelion fluff."

"She was with him," Daegan burst out, throwing his chair back. "Right here! In my barn, under my nose. How could I be so stupid?"

"Just because you gave her flowers and tried wooing her, that does not make you stupid. You didn't know, and she moved on. Nothing happened between them. She loves you. So why are you so stubborn right now?"

"Because I can't look at her without thinking about him!"

"Well that is a serious problem," Dowan quipped. "You shouldn't be thinking of a man when you see a beautiful woman before you."

"You know what I mean!" Daegan said, exasperated.

"Yes, but she can look at you without thinking about anyone but you! Why isn't that enough for you?"

Daegan didn't answer. He didn't know why, he just knew he was angry. He had given her his heart and his trust and she had betrayed him. How could he easily forget that? "I need time."

"You've had it, now stop thinking of all the bad and focus on the good. She loves you, she wants to be with you. You two can be the best king and queen in all of Emery. If you just move on."

"I don't know if I can," Daegan whispered. Dowan stood and went over to him.

"You can," he told Daegan, patting his shoulder. "You just have to let yourself."


Kieran arrived at her home around lunchtime. Her family hadn't expected her, but they all bustled around to hug and welcome her back.

"Did you stop by for lunch?" Her Aunt Opal asked as she warmly embraced her.

"I might stay over tonight," Kieran smiled. Then quietly, "Or for a few nights." Her brothers looked at her questioningly, but simply picked up her bags and went to place it in a spare bedroom. Her father told everyone to take their seats at the table, leading Kieran to sit beside him.

Kieran felt a bit happier as she ate with her family. It was like the old times, before all that had happened in her life. They were all loud and rowdy and she let herself forget her troubles. After the meal, everyone went out to exercise the dragons, but Kieran's father asked her to walk with him.

They linked arms and strolled through fields. Kieran watched her brothers and cousins run and fly with the dragons, playing games in the air. She smiled at the freedom and openness. She really had missed it. She said so to her father.

"I'm sure," he responded, smiling. "But I don't think it was all that much."

"Why not?" Kieran giggled.

"Because since you left we haven't heard from you at all. We only talked and saw you at your birthday ball, and that was it. You seemed to have forgotten about us."

Kieran hung her head, sadness seeping back into her system. "I was just busy, is all. Queens have a lot to do."

"Apparently," her father commented. Kieran nudged him and put her head on his shoulder as they continued walking. "But perhaps you were busy with more than just work?"

She lifted her head and looked at him questioningly. "What do you mean?"

"Have you and the king been alright? Is there a reason you want to stay over here a few days?"

Kieran looked down again, this time her face flushed with shame. "We're fine."

"Is it because there is no news of a baby yet?" Her father asked, worried. "Because you should tell the king that it runs in the family. Your mother and I had no luck our first year, but then she was able to have all your brothers and you!"

"No, it's not that." Kieran took her arm out from under her father's and stepped away. She could feel her tears swelling again. She put her hands on her hips and breathed deeply, then turned to her father and whispered, "We haven't even tried. Our marriage was never consummated."

"But why?" He asked quietly, squinting his eyes in confusion.

"At first, it was because he didn't want to force me until I was comfortable with it. Then I kept putting it off because..."

"Because?" He asked. And Kieran told him all of it, from the moment she fell in love with Corbet to the moment she fell in love with Daegan to the events of the other night. She cried, but didn't bother wiping her eyes, instead letting the tears cascade down her face. Her father listened carefully, then took her in his arms and hugged her.

"He hates me, I know it. He can't even look at me." She choked out after her tears began to subside.

"No, no my sweet." Her father squeezed her. "He doesn't hate you. Men are stupid and stubborn, and he can't admit that now, but one day he'll realize we can't live without women but they can live without us. He just needs to get over it." He lifted her chin up with his finger so he could look her in the eyes. "But you running away won't help anything. You need to show him that you are there when he is ready to be with you again. You need to be there for him."

Kieran pushed her face back into her father's shoulder, hugging him tighter. She had missed this.

"Now, you can stay tonight, but first thing in the morning I want you on the road and back to your husband. It isn't right for a woman to live with her father when she has a man in her life."

"You'll always be my first love, daddy." She told him. Sir Duff kissed the top of her head, and held his baby girl, who was no longer a baby. She was a queen now, and he knew she'd get through this.

The Emery Chronicles: The Black King's Beauty (SECOND BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now