Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven- Husband & Wife

Kieran walked into the room as Daegan closed the doors behind them. It was large with high ceilings and a black chandelier hanging down from it. There were windows all along one wall, covered by sheer black drapes. And in the center of the round room was a large, round bed with silky black sheets thrown over it gracefully, a black lacy canopy curtained around it. At the sight of it, Kieran sucked in a quick breath and felt her heat pounding against her chest. She was not ready.

"Kieran," Daegan said, placing a hand on her shoulder. She flinched away from his touch and turned towards him.

Her flinch felt like a stab to his heart, but he just gently whispered, "Please, just follow me." He held a hand out and Kieran reluctantly took it. He led her to the bed and sat her down on the end of it, kneeling before her. "I want to tell you something."

Kieran tried to hold her sigh back. She wished he would just get it over with so they could get it over with.

"I-ahem. I-" Daegan was having a hard time speaking, something he was not used to. "I think I am completely in love with you."

Kieran finally glanced at him, shocked by his words.

"I know, it is completely mad. We've only known each other for a week, and barely that. But since the moment I saw you, I've just known that I loved you. But I understand that you cannot possibly feel the same way. You've been ripped away from an entire life that you knew in the blink of an eye and thrust into this new world, it seems. But I'm willing to wait."

Kieran looked at him, stunned by his sweetness. She couldn't believe he loved her, and was willing to wait for her to reciprocate his love. If only she could explain to him that the day she loved him back was a day that would never come.

"That being said," Daegan continued, standing up. "I will not force myself onto you tonight, or any night. We will not consummate this marriage until you are willing to do so." Daegan moved to the side of the bed and removed his layers until he was only left in his trousers. His broad, bare chest gleamed in the moonlight as he sat in the center of the bed and pulled out a small pocketknife. Kieran watched, mesmerized, as Daegan used the pocketknife to make a small cut on the bottom of his right foot. The cut slowly bled onto the bedsheets, creating a small stain on it. After the small stain was created, Daegan wiped the pocketknife off and put it back in his pocket, then from another pocket took out gauzy material and bandaged his foot. He looked up to see Kieran's questioning face.

"It's so the servants who clean the room tomorrow don't have any doubts that our marriage was not consummated. And I cut my foot because no one will see the bandages in my shoes, whereas if I had cut my hand people would notice," he explained.

"But our marriage wasn't consummated," Kieran responded quietly, without thinking.

Daegan chuckled quietly and replied, "No, it wasn't, but they can't think that. Nobody but the two of us can know that it wasn't consummated tonight, or people will talk against us. Alright?" Kieran nodded as Daegan made himself comfortable on the left side of the bed. "Goodnight, Kieran."

"Goodnight, Your Majesty." Kieran replied quietly and made herself comfortable on the other side of the bed. She fell asleep, relieved but also confused.

In love?


The next day, Kieran awoke when a stream of sunlight fell over her eyes. She squinted in the morning light, blinking away her sleep and sitting up in bed. Daegan must've woken up a while ago, for she was all alone. As she stretched and rubbed her face awake, two handmaidens entered the room.

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