Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty Three- Healing

"Daegan!" She called down the hallway as he left. "Daegan, I'm here for you! I'm not giving up!" But he was gone. She slumped against the bed, her heart racing and her body still shivering from his touch. She wanted him, she needed him, but he had abandoned her. Now she understood how he felt when she had rejected him all those times. But she wasn't going to give up. Daegan would be with her, once and for all.


The next morning, Kieran had the cooks prepare a wonderful feast for breakfast, but Daegan never showed up. The servants began to pack it all up, Kieran slumped in her seat, dejected, when Dowan walked into the room.

"Good morning, my queen." He smiled cheerily at her. "Beautiful day."

"Why?" She questioned his remark. "Nothing is beautiful anymore. I keep trying, but Daegan won't let me near him."

"So why not woo him?" Dowan asked nonchalantly.

"Woo him?" Kieran looked at him incredulously.

"Yes. Just like I advised him to do to you back when you used to make excuses to get away from him." Dowan smiled at Kieran and she chuckled, shaking her head.

She had some servants pack the breakfast on a tray and, because Dowan had told her where to find Daegan, made her way to his study. Without knocking, she entered and walked over to his desk, placing the tray of food on it. Daegan looked up, confused.

"Breakfast," she said simply. "If our kingdom is going to have a strong ruler, you need to be strong physically as well. So eat." Then she turned and headed toward the door. Before leaving, she turned back and said, "You should also get some physical exercise. I expect you to meet me in the barn after you eat. Koko needs you."

And with that, she left. Daegan sat stunned in his seat, unsure how to react.

Dowan came chuckling into the room and sat across from Daegan. "She's a sprightly one."

"Apparently," Daegan said in wonder. "What is this all about?"

"I might've told her to try wooing you back into her arms."

"Is this how wooing works now?" Daegan asked lightly. Dowan chuckled loudly.

"Maybe this is how Dragon Riders woo. They're fiery people, all scales no fluff." The two men laughed as Daegan began to break his fast, and there was no sign of tension anymore.


Daegan entered the barn and tried not to look to his right; the hay pile where he had found Corbet and Kieran. But he couldn't help glancing, and when he did, he saw no sign of hay.

"I had some people take out all of the hay and put it in the smaller barns," Kieran explained. "Dragons don't need it, so why not give it to the cows and sheep?" Neither mentioned that the real reason she had it moved was so Daegan could be comfortable. Kieran shoved something into Daegan's arms and he looked down to see a bouquet of wild flowers.

"What is this for?" He asked.

"Isn't this how you woo someone?" Kieran asked, genuinely wondering. "With flowers?"

Daegan stared at her a moment, then began laughing. Her sincere ignorance was too much, and his laugh came booming out of him.

"But it is, isn't it?" She yelled over his laughter, still curious. Daegan laughed still louder and it took a moment for him to calm himself.

"Yes, I suppose it is," he replied breathlessly.

"Well, alright then." Kieran nodded and turned to walk to the dragons. Daegan shook his head, still chuckling, and followed her, placing the bouquet near the dragon's watering hole. "Today we're going to go for a run."

"A run?" Daegan raised his eyebrows incredulously.

"Yes. Koko is growing, and soon he'll be able to fly. But first he needs to feel his wings out. So we're going to run and let him stretch his wings out and feel the wind under them."

"Will he actually fly?"

"He might lift off the ground a bit, but he'll just run along beside us. It's just so he gets accustomed to the wind." The two of them led Koko out into the field, and Kieran said, "C'mon Koko! Follow!" She began running into the woods, Koko hesitantly strolling after her. "You should talk to him! It's your voice he knows the best!"

Daegan began running after her, throwing his head back and shouting, "Follow, Koko!" The baby dragon began to sprint with them, slowly opening his wings up so they spread out on either side of him. They were long and delicate looking, like they were made of silk. But they were strong, barely rippling against the wind. The three of them ran through the woods for a while, Daegan and Kieran shouting encouraging words to Koko every once in a while. At one point, Kieran turned and began running back to the barn, Daegan and the dragon quickly picking up and following her.

They made it back to the barn, Koko and Kieran energetically skipping to a stop, Daegan panting behind them. Koko went into the barn and began playing a chasing game with his mother, teasing the older dragon by running circles around her.

"He's going to be a great flyer!" Kieran remarked, watching him flutter about, already able to lift himself off the ground by a few inches. She turned to Daegan who was wiping sweat off his forehead. "You alright?"

"Just haven't run in a while," he panted out.

"I told you you need exercise," she giggled at his breathlessness, completely fine herself after the sprint.

"I suppose I do," he agreed, chuckling. He scratched at his newly formed beard. It was itching what with all the sweat.

"Itchy?" Kieran guessed. "Why did you grow a beard?"

"I haven't been up to shaving," was all Daegan replied, lowering his gaze. They both stood quietly for a moment before Kieran spoke again.

"Well, it doesn't suit you." Daegan glanced up at her brash honesty and she smiled and shrugged. "Come on, come with me."

She led him into the castle and to his study. She had a servant bring a shaving shear, towel, and a bowl of warm, soapy water. She sat him down on his chair and wrapped the towel around his neck. She wet her hands in the bowl and began massaging his beard. Once wet, she took the shears and started to slowly shave his beard off.

"How do you know how to do this?" He asked, staring at her face as she concentrated.

"I used to shave my father's beard before training. He would feel itchy when he sweat as well." She stuck her tongue out as she focused and Daegan couldn't help but smile a little. "Careful!" She warned just as a bit of his neck was nicked. She quickly patted the area with the towel, staunching the blood.

"Sorry," he whispered. He had barely felt the cut. She just shook her head, smiling, and continued to shave it all off. Once he was clean-shaven again, she wipe his face down with the towel and announced that she was finished. She threw the towel over her shoulder and was about to go call for a servant to come clean up the materials, when Daegan grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap.

"Daegan?" She asked, looking into his eyes, eyes full of desire. He didn't see Corbet anymore, he just saw her and he wanted her.

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