Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve- The Flight

A couple of days later, Daegan entered the barn earlier than he normally did, a basket in his hands. Kieran was absentmindedly stroking Sinopa's scales, and staring off into space. When she heard his entrance, she almost jumped in surprise, then just gave her usual polite smile.

"I want to fly today," Daegan told her without any preamble.


"Let's go for a flight!"

"But Koko has only grown to the size of a small horse, or a donkey, even. He's just barely breathing fire, he doesn't know how to fly yet. And it'll be much longer before he can fly and carry someone simultaneously."

"No, I mean on Sinopa. I know this excellent clearing, a gorgeous meadow, where we can have some breakfast and relax for the day. Sinopa can fly us both, can she not?"

"Well, yes." Kieran responded, overwhelmed. "But will you be alright? Flying is not a joke."

"I'll be fine!" Daegan insisted. "I'll have you." They both fell quiet, slightly blushing and slightly smiling. This is the scene that Corbet walked into.

"Oh, good morning, m'lord." He greeted, taken aback. Normally, mornings were for him and Kieran. "I didn't expect you until afternoon. Should I bring a bucket of meat now?"

"No, that's not necessary. Both the queen and I will be out for the day," Daegan turned back to Kieran. "If you want to?"

Kieran was at a loss for words. She was aching to go out and see views other than the walls of the palace, and she hadn't Ridden Sinopa in weeks. But with Corbet standing there, watching her with the king, she felt abashed and nervous. "We still have so much to do with Koko," she finally blurted out.

"That's alright, I doubt one day's work will hinder him," Daegan turned back to Corbet, "and Corbin can train him today."

"It's Corbet, sir." Corbet responded, a bit annoyed.

"Ah, of course!" Daegan chuckled, not noticing the annoyance.

"It should really be you who trains him," Kieran said. "So he can get accustomed to you, and learn that you are his Rider."

"As I said, one day won't change anything," Daegan stepped closer to her, cautiously. Kieran did not step back, but her back stiffened. She was looking at Daegan, but she could feel Corbet's scrutinizing glare on them. "Look, the last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable. If you're going to keep making excuses not to go, I can cancel the picnic. I just thought you'd want to get out of the castle for a bit."

Kieran was shocked; it was as if he'd read her mind. She swallowed nervously, and for a second forgot about Corbet and the King, only thinking of flying again. She slowly nodded, wanting eagerly to Ride. Daegan smiled largely and said, "I'll give you a chance to prepare while I go get some fresh wine from the cellars. I'll be back in minutes!" He excitedly left the barn in search for the perfect summer wine to compliment their picnic.

Corbet looked at Kieran, his eyebrows raised in question. Kieran looked down in shame. When she looked back up, Corbet was in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"What're you thinking?" He whispered, almost shaking her. "You're going to be alone with him all day?"

"No," Kieran murmured. "Just for half the day, most likely."

Corbet blinked at her, then put his head down and shook it slightly while he chuckled. Kieran wrapped her arms around his waist and touched his forehead with hers.

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