Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen- The Birthday Ball

Kieran placed her black tiara in her crop of golden hair and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a dazzling new gown that shimmered black like the night sky. She looked every bit the queen she was. She almost felt it, too.

Daegan entered the bedchambers where Kieran had finished dressing. He was wearing a black satin tunic and sleek black trousers. He stopped and looked Kieran up and down, admiring the view. He nodded with approval, and smiled at her.

"You look wonderful," he commented. He held his arm out and Kieran went over to him. She linked her arm gently with his and they left the chambers together, gliding down the hall to the ballroom.

They were announced, and then they entered to a crowd of applauding guests. The ballroom looked elegant, glimmering with black diamond chandeliers above. The guests were all exquisitely dressed, shining with diamonds of their own bedecking their necks and wrists. In a corner of the room, Kieran's family stood proudly and clapped along. Their clothes were a bit shabbier than the those of the rich guests, and they didn't have as many jewels gleaming off of them, but they were all there, dressed in their best and smiling widely.

Kieran and Daegan headed to the front of the room and stepped up to their podium. Daegan raised his arms to quiet the happy guests. Once they were silent, he flashed them a dazzling grin and began a speech.

"Welcome! Welcome, all!" He boomed happily. "The queen and I thank you graciously for honoring us with your presence. This is indeed a special day, and we would have it no other way but with our closest confidantes. Before we sit to dinner, I want to say a few things. As I'm sure you all well know, our kingdom has suffered some great financial losses due to trade cuts recently. At first, there seemed to be no hope, and we would have to raise enormous taxes in order to survive. But, an idea has formulated. And actually, your queen is the one who has formulated it." Daegan glanced appreciatively at her, then continued. "You see, I only want to raise taxes by a little instead of completely cripple my people. As for the rest of the money, I hope to donate some myself. And the other part... Well, we were hoping, my trusted guests, you could donate."

Silence echoed throughout the room as the people looked blankly back at them.

"For the good of our kingdom, to raise the Black Summer over the others, please consider this. Think about what you'll be doing. You will be heroes; you will be saving our kingdom! Your kingdom!"

More silence followed. Kieran began to worry; what if they hated the idea? Then Daegan wouldn't just lose his poor, tax-paying residents, he'd lose the rich ones too. She sucked in her breath, praying to the gods with all her might.

"I will be a hero!" Everyone turned at the sound of the booming voice. Kieran gasped as she saw her father rise. He stood with his hands on his hips, staring everyone down, before turning to look at Daegan. "It's for our kingdom, is it not? I'll donate some gold for that! Long live the Black Summer! Long live Augustia! Long live our king and queen!"

Kieran's family clapped along with her father, supporting him as he made his bold announcement. But the rest of the ballroom was still quiet. Until--

"I'll be a hero, too!" A stout man with a long orange beard stood. "Why not? Heroes are respectable."

"We'll be heroes as well!" An older couple stood up, supporting each other and waving their arms to cheer.

"Us too!"

"I want to be a hero!"

"My family and I will be heroes!"

"I'll be a hero for Augustia!"

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