Chapter 5

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Chapter Five- Wedding Announcements

The next day, word of the wedding spread through the realm.

And beyond.


In the White Spring kingdom of Brigantia, Queen Arwen was in the palace nursery. She was watching as her daughters, Amaryllis and Cerelia, played on the floors, while she rocked her baby boy, Jarek. Her mother, Bianca, was sitting next to her, admiring the view of her happy grandchildren, when suddenly her face dropped.

"Mother?" Arwen asked, sensing Bianca's tense posture.

"There is news," her mother simply replied as the doors to the nursery opened. King Gavin strode in, looking somewhat conflicted.

Arwen handed Jarek to her mother and stood to greet her husband. "Are you alright? You look strange," she remarked as she kissed him hello.

"I'm not quite sure how to feel," Gavin responded absentmindedly.

"About?" Arwen led Gavin to a seat and gently pushed him into it.

"My cousin, Daegan, is getting married," Gavin announced, sounding a bit surprised.

"To?" Bianca asked as she rocked the little prince to sleep, without looking up.

"A Dragon Rider," Gavin replied, even more shocked than when he delivered his first bit of news.

"Dragon Rider?" Arwen exclaimed. "How did he manage that?"

"I'm not sure, but he did. And the wedding is at the end of this week."

"And we're invited?"

"You and I, yes." Gavin answered Arwen.

"Are we going?" Arwen asked quietly. It wasn't an altogether ridiculous question; tension had been rising among the cousins recently.

"I don't know," Gavin responded just as quietly.

"Yes, you should." Bianca answered for him, still not diverting her eyes from her grandson.

"But is it wise? With all of this... anger?"

"If your cousin extended an invitation, he did it with good intentions. Not going will send a message of hostility, and with all the anger going around now, more hostility is not wise to send." Bianca explained. She was an excellent replacement for Gavin's old advisor.

"You're right," Gavin sighed, resigned. He turned to his wife and said, "Prepare to travel to the Summerlands."


In the Red Autumn kingdom, King Roux was lunching on the meat he had hunted himself the day before. Juices from the meat were dribbling down his chin, when his councilmen interrupted. He wiped his face and hands of his delicious meal and turned to them, rather perturbed by their barging in.

"Yes?" He asked, as no one spoke but simply stared at him blankly.

"There is news, Your Grace." One of the men responded meekly. "From your Summer cousin."

"And?" Roux encouraged.

"And... well, it seems he's to be married at the end of this week."

Silence filled the room as Roux took in the news. His face was unchanging as he leaned back in his seat and scratched his chin in thought.

"Marriage?" He wondered, rather than asked.

"Yes, to a Dragon Rider." Another councilmen prompted.

"A Dragon Rider?" Roux began to shake with laughter. "Oh, he's always trying to outdo the rest of us, isn't he?"

Some of the councilmen tried to laugh, but it was forced. "Will you be attending, Your Grace? Should we prepare for your travels?"

Roux paused for a moment, then grinned and responded, "If my cousin has the audacity to invite me, then I will just have to take this opportunity to show him I'm not fazed. Yes, tell my pages to pack my bags. And pick out an extravagant gift for the new couple! It's not everyday we have a Dragon Rider in the family!"


In the Grey Winter realm, Queen Liadan was walking through the snow outside of her castle with bare feet. The soft, cold powder crunched under her as she strolled and breathed in the cool winter air.

"My Queen!" A pageboy ran up to her, cloaked in layers of furs.

"Boy, does the cold bother you?" She asked, eyeing his clothes.

"Well, just a little, My Queen." He replied meekly. "But not so much as it used to when I was younger. I've gotten more accustomed to it. My father says the older you get, the colder you'll get."

"Your father is wise," the queen responded. "But his logic does not apply to everyone." She indicated herself. She was still just under three decades old, and there she was in the snow, barefoot and in a dress that didn't cover her arms nor back. "Learn to accept the cold as a part of you, and you'll become even more accustomed to it. True Winter folk do not dress so heavily."

"Pardon, My Queen, I'll learn to do so."

"Yes, do." She responded, turning away and continuing her stroll. She threw back over her shoulder, "Was there something you had to say?"

"Yes," the pageboy ran to keep up with her. "You've just received an invitation to your cousin's wedding."

"Cousin? What cousin?" She suddenly stopped and turned on the boy, who tripped over himself at the sudden stop.

"The Black Summer King. He--"

"Daegan? To whom?" The Queen asked curtly.

"It's been said she's a Dragon Rider. I--"

"Dragons?" Liadan repeated incredulously. "When is it?"

"At the end of this week. Should--"

"This week? Oh my." Then, perfunctorily, "Has it been said whether my other cousins were invited?"

"Yes, they were. And--"

"Has it been said if any of them are attending?"

"Yes, they all are--"


"Yes, and the White King is bringing his wife. Should--"

"Oh, a family reunion is brewing, I see." Liadan giggled sarcastically. "Well, alright then. If everyone's going who am I to miss out on a party? The reception will be interesting to say the least." Then she turned and continued her brisk walk. And, again over her shoulder, she remarked, "Learn to speak quickly, boy! I rather hate dilly-dallying!"

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