Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen- Almost

Daegan sprinted into his bedchambers later that day, excited beyond belief. He sprang open the doors, and stopped in his tracks.

Kieran had been taking her robe off to get into bed when he came in. She had just slipped the lacy black robe slowly down her delicate arms and thrown it over the end of the bed, and was now standing there in a silk nightdress that hung onto her small body by two thin straps on her shoulders. Daegan swallowed deeply as she looked up at him, surprised at his entrance.

"You're back," she exclaimed.

"Yes," Daegan sucked in his breath and closed the bedroom doors behind him. He calmed himself, focusing on his news and turned to face her again. "I have excellent news! Your plan will work; we can help pay for our kingdom!"

"Really?" Kieran asked, stunned and gleeful all at once. "I thought it didn't work that way."

Daegan chuckled loudly, feeling his joy go through him again. "I thought so, too. But Dowan loved the idea. And I have more news."

"What?" Kieran asked, stepping forward in her excitement. His enthusiasm was contagious, and she was catching it quickly.

"Your birthday is in a few days, isn't it?" He asked, surprising her with the question.

"Why, yes." She had completely forgotten, actually.

"I presented Dowan with the idea of throwing a ball for your birthday, making it a huge celebration. We can invite your family! You can see them again! And we'll invite my richest residents and present the idea of donations at dinner. We'll tell them our plans to donate as well, and encourage them to do the same. Nothing encourages the rich like a night at a ball. But," Daegan paused, looking down at her sweetly, "only if you like the idea. I don't want to scare you with a large ball if you're not ready for something like that."

Kieran blinked, shocked at all the news. The thought of seeing her family again flooded her with joy, and she felt a nervous flutter in her chest as she replied, "I would love that very much. And I want to help as much as I can."

Daegan laughed loudly, exulted. In his excitement, he lifted all boundaries and then lifted Kieran up into a bear hug, squeezing her against him with her feet suspended at least a foot off the ground. He had forgotten that she was wearing practically nothing, and as he hugged her, he felt her body underneath her nightdress, her round breasts and hips accentuated in the thin fabric. He quickly dropped her back onto her feet, stepping back, but leaving his hands on her shoulders.

He had stepped back to avoid her noticing anything, but Kieran had already felt his lower body stiffen in their embrace. She had felt him shiver in excitement as he dropped her back down, and she could see the shame in his eyes as he stepped back. His shame and shyness while touching her, his constant worrying and making sure she was comfortable; it all came back to her. He had always been so kind, since the day they met, never forcing her into anything, always ensuring her happiness and ease before his. The thought of his constant care for her did something to her; it made her feel a rush of something all over her body. It took her a moment to realize what it was as she stared into his dark eyes, melting in the chocolate hues; it was desire.

Kieran didn't think as she stepped forward and leaned her face up to his. Out of instinct, Daegan reached up a finger and lightly moved a strand of hair back from her face. His fingers continued to lightly trace the edge of her face until he curled them under her chin. As he lifted her chin up, she closed her eyes and sucked in a quiet breath. Both of them weren't thinking about anything but being in each other's arms in that moment. And so, Daegan bent his head and placed his lips onto hers.

It was slow and silky soft like her nightdress. Their lips touched light as feathers, tickling and brushing against each other rather than smacking. Daegan breathed in her sweet scent from her wet, just washed hair. And Kieran smelled the scents of the forest and of travel on him, the musk giving her happy visions of flying and picnicking. She placed her hands on his lower waist and slowly slid them up to cup his face in her palms. Her slow touch made him shudder and drove him to move his hands down to her bottom and pick her up off the floor and hold her against him. As she was risen up, their kissing became fervent, making up for all the time wasted.

Daegan stepped them closer to the bed and dropped her on it gently. Then he untucked his blouse and lifted it over his head, exposing his large chest and arms. Kieran marveled at how large and muscular he was, how his veins stretched taut under his skin, and how he gleamed in the night light. Daegan slowly climbed over her, running his hands from her thighs up the side of her hips, curving over her perky breasts and brushing against her neck until he could wrap his fingers in her hair. Kieran breathed deeply, feeling small shivers everywhere when he touched her. He bent his head and kissed her neck, nibbling on the soft skin and leaving wet marks on her flesh. Kieran made a small noise in the back of her throat and wrapped her fingers tightly in his hair, gripping his locks with all her might in order to control herself. She bit her lip and shut her eyes tightly, her body throbbing all over. She turned her head and breathed in his musky scent. She bit on his ear, and the action drove him mad. He took her face in his hands and kissed her hard, tasting her lips and exulting in the flavor of it. She kissed back, feeling a fire deep within her glowing brighter and brighter. She broke from his lips to kiss his eyes and forehead, his hot flesh burning against her delicate lips. They stopped kissing and just held their faces close to each other, everything fitted just right. Kieran's eyes fluttered open and she looked at how serene his face was with his closed eyes and quivering lips.

And, suddenly, an image of Corbet flashed before her. The image struck her like a quick blow, and instantly her body stiffened and her breathing ceased. Daegan opened his eyes, instantly recognizing the uneasiness in her eyes. He quickly lifted himself up slightly and looked down at her, worried.

"What's wrong?" He breathed heavily, his worry seeping into his face.

Kieran couldn't speak, she couldn't even move. She just shook her head and blinked, at a loss for words. Daegan completely lifted off of her and helped her sit up.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, unable to meet her eyes. "I shouldn't have done that. It was too fast, I shouldn't have made you so uncomfortable."

Kieran simply looked at him, wondering what was happening. When Daegan looked back up at her, she simply nodded and looked away.

"I'm going to wash and unpack my clothes. You go ahead and get some sleep," he whispered to her, gently brushing some of her hair back, then standing and walking away to the bathing chambers.

It disappointed him, that she still couldn't love him. But he was almost there, he could feel it. Everyday, he got closer to gaining the love he craved from her.

Kieran lay back in the bed, curling up into a small ball. How could she? She didn't know what had just happened, she couldn't explain her mad actions. All she could think was that she had been crazed with desire. She had been very close with Corbet the other day, and the small distance between them was eating her alive, so she had taken her desires out on Daegan.

She tried very hard to convince herself as she fell asleep, and tried not to think about Daegan bathing in the other room.

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