Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen- Frustration

Daegan could stand it no longer, he took her face in his hands and bent down to bring their lips together.

"Daegan," Kieran whispered and he stopped. Her voice had cracked and Daegan stiffened at the desire in her voice. He let out one small groan before continuing to bend his head so he could kiss her. "No, stop."

He was a hair away, their faces touching, their lips about to meet. Daegan scrunched his face up in confusion and pulled away slightly so he could look at her. Yes, there was still desire in her eyes. So what was the problem?

Daegan started to lean in again, but Kieran just put a hand on his chest and pushed herself away. She held her dress tightly in place as she backed away from him, her eyes downcast.

Daegan stood for a moment, watching her. He couldn't understand, he wasn't putting anything together in his mind. Nothing made sense anymore. He shook his head and huffed. He tried to control himself but he could help it no longer; Daegan walked over to the bed and grabbed a pillow. Then he began to hit it against the bed, fast and hard, trying to take his frustration out on something. His face turned red as he continued to throw the pillow against the bed, and he began to breathe heavily.

"Daegan! Daegan!" Kieran shouted over his burst of violence. "What're you doing?"

"Nothing," he grunted, throwing the pillow one last time and turning away to the windows. He leaned against the cool glass and looked out over the fields below, the sun just beginning to peek out from behind the night clouds.

"You're mad," she simply stated. Daegan chuckled, but not his happy usual chuckle.

"I'm mad," he repeated, still chuckling. "Yes, yes I'm a bit perturbed!"

"Daegan, I'm sorry. I just--"

"No," Daegan shouted. Kieran flinched and Daegan sighed deeply. He continued, calmer, "No. Please, no more excuses. I can't take it anymore, just go dress for bed and we can go to sleep."


"No, don't! I told you, no more." He marched up to her and stopped while their bodies were inches away from each other. He pointed an accusatory finger at her, "I told you when we married that I wouldn't force you. I told you I would wait until you were comfortable. I can see it! I can see it in your eyes that you want me as much as I want you! But you still say no! I just don't know what to do anymore."

"Daegan, it's not your fault. It's me, I'm still--"

"Not comfortable? Haven't I done everything to ensure your comfort?"

"You have, you've been wonderful. I just can't do it." Kieran whispered the last part, bowing her head. She hadn't expected this, but her eyes began to well, and she had to swallow back her tears.

"But why?" Daegan hoarsely questioned, stepping away. He grabbed fistfuls of his hair and then rubbed his face tensely. "Am I so bad that you can't bear to be with me? You can't even look at me sometimes! I've waited for so long, to no avail! Can you give me a straight answer? Can you tell me why?"

Kieran kept her head down and her eyes shut. Daegan looked at her, and she could feel his frustrated glare burn through her. They both stood there like that for the longest time, forever it seemed. Until finally Daegan spoke again.

"People have started talking," he said, resigned now instead of shouting, his voice quiet. "Why are there no news of a child yet? My cousin Gavin has three children, all born right after each other, starting from the first few months of his marriage. We've been married long enough, so why no children? It's becoming too much for me."

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