Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty Two- The Argument

True to his word, Sir Duff kicked Kieran out the second she finished breakfasting. Her family waved goodbye as her carriage pulled away. Kieran waved as well, a renewed energy inside of her. She no longer felt weak and sad, but as if she had purpose again. She was going to win her king back.


Daegan finished dressing for bed and left his bathing chambers. His page had finally convinced him to bathe, as he hadn't done so in a couple of days. He hadn't shaved though, donning a stubbly beard. He just didn't feel like anything anymore.

When he entered the bedchambers, he stopped in his tracks. Kieran was there, dressed in a black lace nightdress, the one she was supposed to don on their wedding night. He tried not to notice how beautiful she looked in the moonlight, her hair in soft golden waves down her back, her skin smooth and sun-kissed. He tried, but didn't succeed, and she could tell.

"I thought you were with your family for a few days?" He knew he shouldn't talk, shouldn't prompt her. He should just get into bed silently and go to sleep so as to not encourage her, but he just blurted it out without thinking.

"I was going to stay, but I decided against it. I wanted to come back to you." Her words sent unwelcome shivers down his spine, shivers he hadn't felt in a long time. This wasn't good, he needed to stop himself before anything happened.

"We should go to sleep, I'm sure your journey was tiring." He broke eye contact and tried to step past her to go to his side of the bed, but she stepped in front of him.

"Not really," she whispered. She stepped closer, breaking the distance between them. She placed her hands around his waist and then began kissing his neck lightly. Her cool lips felt so tantalizing against his hot skin, but he quickly, but gently, pushed her away.

"Kieran, stop. I don't want to do this."

"Are you sure?" She asked, her eyes dropping to the bulge slowly forming in his trousers.

"Yes, I'm sure. Just go to bed."

"I'm trying," she told him seductively, taking his hands in hers and wrapping his arms around her. She pressed her small body against his large one and he could feel her heart beating loudly against her chest, her breasts heaving against him. Their pelvises pressed up against each other and he became harder. She closed her eyes and tilted her face up to him, but he pushed her aside, this time a bit more roughly.

"Kieran, enough!" He exclaimed angrily. "I don't want to do this, I told you!"

"But why?" She asked, trying to get close to him again. He held his arm out so she could keep her distance, but she shoved it out of the way and stepped up to him. "Why don't you want me?"

"You know why," he replied poisonously, but she was unfazed.

"Because of Corbet? Because you keep thinking of him touching and feeling me?" She shouted back. Daegan growled and turned his face away, but she grabbed his face in her hands and made him look at her. "Then why don't you make both of us forget? Why don't you take me right here and now, and make me forget the way he touched and kissed me. Show me what I've been missing. Just have me!"

Daegan shook his face out of her hands and violently threw her onto the bed. He lay on top of her, and they began to kiss heatedly, not giving each other a moment to breathe. It was rapid and ferocious, breathtaking. Their hands couldn't figure out what to do; they just kept roaming over each other's bodies, trying to find the right spot to hold. Kieran let out little moans between the violent kisses, wrapping her fingers in his hair and pulling on his tresses. Daegan grabbed a chunk of her own hair pushed her face up into his, their bodies smacking against each other in the process. He rolled his chest against hers, rubbing her breasts without touching them. It made her go mad with ecstasy; she rolled her head back but Daegan gave her no time to recuperate. Instead, he began leading a trail of kisses down her neck, his tongue licking her hot skin and making it sizzle.

For payback, she slid one of her hands down to his crotch and began rubbing it. Daegan closed his eyes and let out a strained moan. She continued rubbing with her hand, watching as his face contorted in sweet agony. He grabbed her wrists with both hands and threw them down on either side of her, making her powerless. He smacked his lips onto hers and kissed her passionately, tasting the sweetness he'd been aching for for the longest time.

Kieran opened her mouth and their tongues met, wrapping around each other and having their own battle. Daegan felt every nook and cranny of her mouth. And then his tongue grazed against the tender spot where her lip was still hurt from Corbet's bite. Kieran flinched at the unexpected sting, and Daegan noticed. He quickly pulled away, looking down at her, his desire and his returning anger flooding him.

"No, I'm alright, really." She breathed heavily, trying to lift herself up to kiss him again, but he was still holding her down.

That one moment had brought everything back to him; the memories of finding Corbet on top of her, her confession of her love for him. He slid off of her and as he exited the room, he said, "But I'm not."

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