Chapter 2

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Chapter Two- The Solution

"Marriage? Now I know you've gone completely mad, my friend!" Daegan stood from his seat, shocked at Dowan's suggestion. They had reached Daegan's business chambers in his palace, and not a minute after Daegan had sat and poured himself a flagon of ale, did Dowan make the absurd suggestion.

"Not mad, weary. Your cousin is leagues ahead of you. He is married to a strong witch who has connections to other strong witch covens. He has two daughters and now a son. You said before, I've seen war and corruption, and if my old age isn't meddling with my brains, these are signs of both."

"War?" Daegan sat back down, worried himself now. "Could that Darkwhite prophecy be true? That my cousins and I will wage war and there will only be one ruler of Emery in the end?"

"It is no coincidence that your cousin married a Darkwhite. And now he has a son to continue his reign, should he gain control over all of Emery and need an heir. All the signs are there, Daegan. Even if the war is not for years to come, your cousin is prepared, and continuing to strengthen his preparations. It is high time you begin to take some precautions as well."

"But marriage? To whom? Gavin is married to a Darkwhite witch, probably the most powerful alliance he could form. What could compete with that? Who could I possibly marry to challenge my cousin's reign?" Daegan stood and paced the room, panicking. Marriage was no joke.

"I thought of this thoroughly. The only marriage that could challenge your cousin's would be a marriage to someone who has a power, or skill, that only survives in your kingdom. Someone who is truly Summer folk."

"I'm confused." Daegan took a swig of ale, his head swimming with too many thoughts at once.

"What does Augustia have that the other realms don't?"

"Summer? The color black? I don't know!"

"Alright, think Summer! What is attracted to the Summer?"

"Summer folk?" Daegan scratched his head as Dowan shook his.

"Think animals. There are certain animals that are only attracted to the hot sun in our realm, animals that can't live in the harsh Winters of the Grey realm, the damp Spring of the White realm, nor the cool Autumn of the Red realm."

Daegan thought very hard and finally said, "Some reptiles only like the hot sun. Like snakes."

"Yes, but I was thinking something a bit larger."

Daegan sat back and rubbed his eyes. Mid-rub, he stopped and slowly looked up to look Dowan in his eyes. "Dowan," he began slowly, his voice strained from shock, "you don't mean to say you're talking about... dragons?"

"Yes, m'lord! Dragons!" Dowan sat back, relieved Daegan had finally guessed it.

"What, you want to create a marriage alliance with Dragon Riders?" Daegan was in disbelief.

"No need to want. I've already spoken to a potential alliance, and they are ready to move forward with wedding preparations at your command."

"Wedding preparations? I've never even met the girl! You haven't even told me her name," Daegan stood and began pacing again. "This is all so fast, Dowan. I'm unsure. I don't have a very good feeling about it all."

"It must be done quickly, My King. There is no time to waste. Your cousin already has three children, and you must catch up. Marriage must happen within the next few days."

"Oh, Dowan. I can't think straight. Days? How can this all happen in days?"

"It must, m'lord," Dowan said heavily, "time is already running out."

Daegan breathed deeply, letting his mind go blank, pushing out all of the thoughts and just breathing.

"Before we set a date," Daegan began slowly, "can I meet this potential alliance?"

"We can go today, even. Dragon Riders don't exactly set appointments; they'd be more than happy to cater to their king on short notice."

"Alright," Daegan sighed. "Have you seen her?"



"I must say, you won't be disappointed."

Daegan breathed a sigh of relief.

"But she's a decent lady, not like the ones you're accustomed to." Dowan warned. It seemed to Daegan that Dowan was always warning him.

"I had guessed as much. Although I was hoping a Dragon Rider would be a little savage." Dowan chuckled, perhaps a little too strongly. He had seen a spark of the happy Daegan again, and he was trying hard to keep him there. "Her name?"

"I didn't ask at the time, but her family name is Duff."

"Ah, Duff. That makes sense, they're the most noted Dragon Riders in the realm."

"Yes, the biggest Dragon Riding clan with the most success in training dragons. I thought it would be a fitting alliance."

"You're always thinking, Dowan." Daegan smiled at his friend, then shook his head, exasperated. "Alright. Let us go and meet my future bride."

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