Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen- Corbet's Plan

Kieran awoke the next morning later than usual. She turned over, and just as she expected, Daegan was already gone. She looked at the empty half of the bed, analyzing how cold and sad it was. She sighed and pushed herself up and out of bed.

"Garnet!" She called out for her handmistress as she robed herself and gathered her hair up in a small twist. The maid entered the bedchambers quietly and led Kieran to the bathing chambers. Once in, she disrobed her and then slipped her nightdress off as well, holding Kieran's hand as she helped her step into the already filled bathtub. The water was warm and Garnet had put some lemon peels in there as well, adding a refreshing scent to the air. Kieran lay back against the tub, closing her eyes and breathing meditatively.

Garnet put bathing oils on her hand and moved to the end of the tub. She reached in and grabbed one of Kieran's legs, lifting it out of the water and starting to massage it. Her steady run of hands up and down Kieran's leg soothed the queen and she let her mind wander.

She thought of male hands instead, running up and down her leg, caressing her skin. She felt the chill of breath against her neck and the rub of fingers on her breasts. She thought of Corbet's lips pressing against her flesh, kissing her naked body and shivering against her. She could picture it in her mind, seeing them in a grassy field like the one they had first kissed in, their naked bodies rolled up into one. She lifted her face to look into Corbet's sweet hazel eyes, but instead of a murky brown, the eyes were a deep black. She was looking into Daegan's face, not Corbet's.

Kieran jerked awake in the tub, panicking. Garnet had moved on to Kieran's other leg, but when Kieran jerked, she dropped the leg back into the water, splashing the maid.

"I'm sorry, Garnet." Kieran said, shaking her head.

"It's quite alright, m'lady. Shall I continue?" The maid pointed to her legs in the tub.

"No, thank you. You can go, I'll dress myself." She had had enough leg massages for the day.


Kieran had been too jumpy during breakfast, and was not able to eat much. Her visions had left a cold lump in her stomach that made her feel sick. She simply sipped some tea and left to visit Sinopa. Dragons always made her feel better.

She entered the barn, happy to see her girl napping lazily in the sun shining through the high barn window. Koko was pressed against his mother's side, basking in the warmth as well. Kieran looked at them and a little spark of joy burst in her. They looked so serene and peaceful, she wished she could just curl up with them and forget her troubles.

An arm slid over her waist and she found her back being pressed against Corbet's chest. She immediately held her breath, scared he could tell she was guilty, scared he'll know what had happened the night before and what she'd thought of that morning.

"Good morning," he whispered against her neck, then gave that spot a light kiss. Kieran shivered, but Corbet didn't know that it wasn't for the right reason. "I have something up my sleeve."

Kieran turned to face him at these words, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I have an idea," Corbet chuckled at her. His eyes were bright and happy, his lips in a warm smile. "I can't take it anymore, Kieran. We need to be together. When two people love each other the way we do, we shouldn't let little things stop us from what we want."

"Little things?" Kieran repeated. "Corbet, I'm married. That's not exactly little."

"Yes, but I know how we can escape all this!"

"Escape?" She felt dumbfounded.

"Yes," Corbet grabbed her face gently in his hands and looked deeply into her eyes. "We need to run away."

"But how?" Kieran moved her head back, shocked at what he was suggesting.

"After the ball, the treasury will be full to the brim. Some days can pass, so the excitement around it will die down, then we can take some of that money and take Sinopa and Ride away."

Kieran looked at him as if he were a madman, scared and nervous. "That money is for the kingdom."

"We'll only take a little! And then we can fly off to some woodsy area where no one knows us and finally be together," Corbet threw his arms up in excitement.

"But what about my family? I married Daegan so he can have allies in them, what'll happen when I disappear?"

"And this is the beauty of the plan: your family will feel terrible about you running away, so they'll offer to continue helping Daegan. They may even offer to pay off what we take!"

"But what if Daegan gets very mad?" Kieran worried. She didn't really believe what she was saying, but she was becoming desperate. "What if he harms them because of my mistake?"

Corbet paused and looked at her like a lost puppy. "Mistake? You think it's a mistake to run away with me?"

"I just think it's too hasty," Kieran turned away to pace the barn and look away from the hurt in his eyes. "And we haven't properly thought of what could happen."

"I have," Corbet went after her, turning her around and holding her close, his eyes staring deep into hers and trying to convince her. "I've thought of everything so I can be with the woman I love. Don't you want that anymore? To be with me? Our love?"

Kieran tried to avoid his eyes, though he held her face firmly. She was feeling nervous and flighty, her stomach turning knots. "Of course I love you," she finally whispered back.

"Then listen to me," he pleaded. "This will work. I promise." Kieran just nodded in his hands, still avoiding eye contact. Corbet kissed the top of her head and went on to set out the dragons' breakfast. As he began setting out the meat, Kieran asked one more question.

"But it won't be right after the ball?" She insured. "It'll be some time after?"

"Of course," Corbet responded, absentmindedly preparing meat. "We have to wait until there aren't so many people checking and double-checking the treasury. Only then can we take some money unnoticed."

Kieran nodded and then left the barn. She needed fresh air. It was all beginning to be too much for her.

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